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8 Reasons Why The City Of New York Is Underrated

New York is more than subways, traffic, taxi's and the occasional dancing in the rain performance.

8 Reasons Why The City Of New York Is Underrated
Austin WIlliams

New York is more than a home to me- it's a culture. It's more than just the stereotypical mammoth sized pizza slices and the large crowds of tourists from all over the world.

Here are 8 reasons why NYC is underrated and deserves more recognition:

New York is full of culture.

Austin Williams

Everyone know's of Time Square. Where the axis of the universe meet up, and spit out a bunch of ads and colors. Here you'll find tourists, annoyed drivers and Hot dog vendors & a little old granny just trying to make her way to the bank.

You can be yourself

Austin Williams

I had no fear of walking up to building's and people to take their photo's. Street photography can be intimidating, since you never know what will happen. But just the fact that I was able to be myself and enjoy it says a whole lot. New York City feels like my kind of place when it comes down to the vibes and the culture of it all.

Seinfeld was set there!

The original hipster


Excuse Kramer, he's a bit excitable.

The show defined the city as anything can happen at anytime. From Subway breakdowns, to a thanksgiving day parade float being popped by a falling statue of the Empire State Building. With a cast of amazing actors and one future HEISENBERG, Seinfeld is New York City defined.

Street food.

Some of the food you'll ever eat


From taco trucks to mobile bars, New York City has it all. The closer you get to...well anywhere in NYC, you can smell the tacos or the hot dogs from the next corner over. The hot dogs are steamed, the buns are toasted and it is the best hot dog you'll ever have. I payed $4 for mine when I was near the World Trade Center.

Hot dogs, along with Seinfeld, I feel define the city.

July 4th on a beach in Brooklyn (Now you have to say it with a W instead of an R...YOU'RE WELCOME) the city has the annual Nathan's hot dog eating contest and boy, whoever was marketing the contest did their job. Back in the mid 2000's a Lowe's in Tacoma sold Nathan dogs. The crunchiest and juiciest hot dog you will ever have.

Empire State of Mind

The Artsy Fartsy photo of a hot dog stand and the Empire state building.

Austin Williams

Once you hear a song that you know you'll love and if you have a mind like mine, you will know the feeling of walking in the city playing "Empire State Of Mind" by Jay-Z & Alicia Keyes.

It just works.

It gets the blood pumping and you can feel yourself getting hyped. If a city or small country can have a theme song, it would be that song. It honestly brings a tear to my eye every time I'm in a major city and play that song. It makes you feel like there isn't anything you can't do.

History is everywhere

Old light from the 5th avenue subway station

Austin Williams

From the museums to the church that Nic Cage found treasure (let me believe!), all the way to the Bronx with the Yankees and down to the Financial District, history is everywhere!

Whether it's tragic or happy, the City is taking great care of the history that it surrounds.

*Fun Fact* The city was originally named New Amsterdam. Original right?

Opportunities everywhere

Hudson Yards devolopment

Austin Williams

Whether it be a McDonalds or Conde Nast, the city is never short on opportunities. Take for instance these buildings in Hudson Yards. Do you think a person walked by and thought "Oh, well this won't be a great spot" or "Well gosh dang, this is a great area for some condos!" He took a chance and ran with it, and in this city, you can too.


A picture of a picture

Austin Williams

New York is the place where dreams are made, relationships built and good o'le american strength is settled. Since 9/11 the city has been as strong as ever. Everybody that you pass by has their own story they're working on; whether they're walking to get a hot dog or walking over to their s.o's apartment to dump them- they didn't give up.

They just have dreams they're working on. Just like you or me.

Next time you have the chance to travel, be sure to visit the Big Apple!

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