Why It’s Perfectly Fine to be Addicted to Coffee
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Why It’s Perfectly Fine to be Addicted to Coffee

Coffee Chronicles, Part Two

Why It’s Perfectly Fine to be Addicted to Coffee
NC GreenPower

Hello, my name is Marisa Haselhuhn, and I’m addicted to coffee. It’s been about 30 seconds since my last sip, and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

I’ve been a pretty steady coffee drinker for about four years now, and my standard drink has progressed from a half-shot Frappuccino to a black coffee with about 20 pumps of French Vanilla creamer (what I’m currently sipping on). It’s a problem... or is it? Recent studies have revealed that this wonderful bean juice is actually beneficial in many ways, which is good news to us Americans, who collectively consume about 400 million cups daily and especially good news for all the KU students about to start finals week, aka the week of no sleep. So, grab your favorite cuppa joe, and get ready to feel healthy.

1. Improves energy and focus

We all know that the caffeine in coffee gives us an energetic jolt in the mornings and banishes our afternoon slumps, but did you know it also helps you focus? Coffee contains a stimulant called caffeine that blocks a certain neurotransmitter (adenosine) that promotes sleep and increases other neurotransmitters (norepinephrine and dopamine) that increase energy and brain functions like memory and reaction times. So, when you’re staring at the same page of Organic Chemistry note for 20 minutes straight, think about grabbing a cup of coffee to help jump start your studying.

2. Provides good source of antioxidants

As the study hours pile up and the diet habits get worse, more and more students aren’t getting the necessary nutrients and are then getting sick. What’s available to save the day? Coffee! This magical beverage contains several antioxidants (like Selenium and Vitamin A) that actually help prevent diseases by fighting cell deterioration. While blueberries, raspberries, green/black tea, and chocolate also contain these properties, coffee is the most popular and is the primary source of antioxidants in an American’s diet.

3. Reduces stress

Seems a little outlandish, right? Well, studies have shown that simply the smell of coffee can reduce the stress caused by lack of sleep. While these studies didn’t find it linked to any other types anxiety (like the stress of an exam or seven-page paper you forgot about ‘til now), sleep deprivation is still a major player in the trudge through finals week, and smelling is free!

4. Helps athletic abilities

I know it seems like forever and 12 years away, but the new year is also fast approaching, and with it comes New Year’s Resolutions. For the people who are looking to “exercise more” or “lose weight,” maybe you should look into coffee as a pre-/post-workout drink. Drinking coffee increases adrenaline levels and releases fatty acids into the bloodstream (which allow the body to use these during exercise instead of stored carbohydrates needed for later physical exertion), providing the energy needed for lifting weights or treadmill running. Studies have also shown that two cups of coffee can reduce muscle soreness due to working out by about 48%.

5. Prevents disease

Finally, for you future thinkers out there, coffee has been linked to prevention of many diseases, including Parkinson’s, depression, liver disease, Type II diabetes, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, and even death (yes, I’m serious). So, if you’re looking for some long-term benefits, try a cup of this bean juice.

Now, I’m not saying to go home and brew up ten cups of coffee to drink right away. Like most things in life, coffee’s magical qualities only work in moderation. Studies recommend one to two cups a day to get the most out of this dark liquid. Armed with this knowledge, good luck on finals (or on life, for those non-collegiate readers out there) and stay caffeinated!

PS: If you'd like to read the first installment of "The Coffee Chronicles," click here

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