It doesn't matter what you're doing right now, where you go to school, or what you intend to do with your life. It is self evident and apparent that many individuals struggle to identify quite literally who they are right now. Throughout the stress of school and life as it is, some of us simply don't know our identity, our clearly defined morals, or what characteristics truly define us. I recognize the difficulty of trying to "describe yourself" in the description box of an application to get a job or into college. In your thoughts, you may think that what you will say won't be "good enough" or might be "too much". But Alas, the idea that we must know who we are, set in stone, is an idea that is based on a structured model for development. The deep truth behind this structure, synonymous to the world at present, is that it is heavily flawed and fallacious. Self concept, as stated through this medium, is defined as what you consider yourself to be (in every aspect).
Though it may seem disrespectful to the men and women ruling the worlds of Psychology, I fail to understand structure. Perhaps it is the country in which I grew up in (USA), or the society in which I was forced to be a part of. Regardless, structure is inaccurate. According to Elite Daily, "we've been institutionalized by our 20+ years of education to conform to deadlines, structures, and authority", hence showing that we must follow the designated pathways that are almost given to us. With this logic, the lives of ordinary Americans are a straight line, to be followed directly and with a great amount of pressure on following that one, liner pathway.
In a world chastised by a huge divide in values, morals, and central objectives--do we really have a clear direction of what's going on?
Will our world ever follow one designated path?
Is there just one way of thinking?
The answer to all of these complex questions is a simple no.
There is so much beauty and mystery embedded in that answer. Because we are not given one direct pathway from the start of our lives, it is the central objective of each and every one of us to spend time exploring. We must seek to adventure-within the depths of our boundaries and beyond-to understand how the world works. Being open minded to new perspectives and mindsets is a secondary trait that is vital in the process. Self discovery is a long, interesting process. Thereby, as stated by the Huffington Post, "give it time to happen naturally", so that your own self concept is discovered in the most genuine way possible.
So not only will it take time, but it will also take effort. Let your self concept be fabricated around your own thoughts, not the influence of others. Read OBJECTIVE newspaper and media sources, and be able to use logic and evidence to clearly define your morals. And more than ever, know that your self concept can change. Just because it is something now, does not necessarily mean it cannot change later. As stated by the New York times, our "pursuit of happiness" is directly linked to our "self worth", and should be given in the most genuine way possible. Therefore, we should seek to do things that make us happy. We should create career goals that make us want to walk into work every single day. And finally, we should all be able to wake up in the morning feeling confident in who we are, and what we intend to do.
So I hope you find yourself, love your self concept, and fall in love with living the best version of YOU.