Why I'm Not a Fan of Living in Blanton Hall
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Student Life

Why I'm Not a Fan of Living in Blanton Hall

I just want a window

Why I'm Not a Fan of Living in Blanton Hall

For my sophomore year at Montclair State University, I had high hopes for living in Blanton Hall. After living with most of my friends in Freeman Hall last year, we took the plunge and decided to move elsewhere for this school year. The idea of living in Blanton was very exciting to me. Blanton has an ideal location with a food court downstairs, and is mere seconds away from the recreation center. The rooms have a controllable thermostat (I didn't even have air conditioning at Freeman) so that was a plus, too. Our sinks are in our rooms instead of the bathroom, which makes simple things like brushing your teeth or washing your hands so much easier when you're in a rush. And of course we have our own bathrooms, which is a primary necessity for me. Additionally, all of my friends would be living here, too. What more could I ask? However, now that I'm almost a full semester in of living in this place... I'm starting to have strong, mixed feelings about my decision to reside here.

I'm starting to come to the realization that the list of cons in regards to living in Blanton Hall are longer in length compared to the list of pros. Blanton is a very unique building, I may add. The rooms are weird in shape and the building is architecturally similar to a prison. There are "outside" rooms, which are rooms that have "real" windows that face towards the outside. Windows that provide sunlight, fresh air and scenic views of the sunset at night. Then there are rooms known as "inside" rooms that have windows facing the food court below and the atrium. These rooms provide no indication of the weather outside and if you're trying to nap - think again - you often hear loud music and the chitter chatter of the people eating or playing ping pong below you. If you haven't already guessed, I've had the unfortunate privilege of getting stuck in an "inside" room this year... and that right there is the number one reason as to why I dread living in this building.

Upon starting the school year, I was very optimistic about being stuck in an "inside-facing" room. I thought it couldn't be that bad, and that I would get used to it. I was sincerely wrong. It is so bad. The only amount of sunlight I get is the quick flash of brightness that pours in each morning. Each day is like a guessing game as to whether or not it's raining and my room is painfully dark. I like to describe it as living in a "doll house" - I feel trapped and my anxiety has skyrocketed being trapped in this breeding ground for depression. To make matters worse, the lights in the room make me feel as if I'm trapped in a psychiatric hospital. They're unpleasantly bright and my eyes are way too sensitive to adhere to them. Therefore, I stick to my Christmas lights and lamp which provide some light to the room, but not much. Regardless, I can assure you that I'm in no rush to get back to my room this year to "relax."

Sans dealing with the dreadful "inside" room, the whole atmosphere of Blanton Hall isn't that great either. Opposed to Freeman, people are not friendly in the slightest. I recall interacting with the people on my floor last year on a daily basis. There's none of that this year. People keep to themselves and don't really make an effort to get to know you. They just walk by and stare at you with blank facial expressions. If my friends weren't living here this year, I would undeniably transfer to a different residential hall. They're the only reason why I'm sticking around in this building.

Sorry this rant was a bit dreary, but it just feels freeing to vent about something that I've felt very passionately about since late September. With the impending Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks in play, I'm counting down the days left until I can get away from Blanton.

I'm taking this whole dilemma as a learning experience. People don't always love where they live, and that's just the case for me this time around. It will definitely teach me to pick wisely next year in regards to where I live and to know that Blanton isn't a place that aids to my comfort zone. Until then, I will do my best to deal with living here and make the best of everything.

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