Who's Winning? | The Odyssey Online
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Who's Winning?

A war has been waged on something you may have never thought about.

Who's Winning?

So many times today we here of all the horrific events that take place daily across this country and across the world. Terrorist attacks happen weekly, kidnappings happen daily and young women are sold into slavery hourly. There is a different war waged each day. The War on Drugs, The War on Terrorism, and so many countless others.What if I told you there was a war going on that no one knows about? This is the war on Love. A war that has been kept on the down-low but it needs to be brought to light.

I know that when you read that it doesn't really make sense. Let me explain it to you a little more. There are so many things going on in this world that is fighting for our attention and time. Things like heinous acts of violence and gut wrenching murders. We have begun dividing ourselves by race, gender, ethnicity, religion and even our political views. Fighting against one another when we should be supporting each other.

These are such small things that we let come between us. Why can't we just lay everything aside and be at peace with one another? We let things like technology become our companions instead of the people around us. We put up a front on social media to make a name for ourselves when we have already loved the way we are by so many people.

You are probably reading up to this point thinking "Yeah, if only it was that simple." It may not be easy but there are ways to begin taking steps on the road to peace. First start putting the phone down at dinner time. Look at the family that is around you. Ask simple questions about how their day was or what they did at work. But I beg you to not instantly pick up your phone and immerse yourself in that digital world. You might be surprised at what you will discover when you intently listen to those around you.

Now comes the hard part to swallow. The part where you might feel the most judged and are compelled to stop reading this article. Don't. If something strikes you deep then maybe that will reveal how to become more of a loving person. Stop the negative judgement of people who are different from you. It may be religion, race, political, or something else. Love does unimaginable things to someone but so does hate. When you judge someone by how they look, speak, act, or anything else, it affects them deeply. Love works in the same way that hate does only it ends in a positive way. You could be the one that changes their entire perspective on life.

Just as it reads in scripture: "Be slow to speak, slow to anger, but quick to listen." I urge you to apply this to your life no matter what religion you my claim. It is so simple yet life changing when you think about it. Be slow to speak. Think about the things you are getting ready to say before you say them. Slow to anger. Don't let things upset you so quickly just because you don't agree with them. Finally quick to listen. Sometimes this is the most helpful thing that you can do for someone. Listen to what they have to say before you begin to judge them.

So the war has been waged. There are only two sides to this. Which will you choose to be on? The side of compassion and love for all or the side where everything is centered around the needs of yourself. Make the choice that could start a movement of peace across this dark and desperate world. Remember it only takes one spark to start a fire.

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