My White House Tour Experience
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Politics and Activism

My White House Tour Experience

A dream come true,.

My White House Tour Experience
Euclid Public Library

This week, I had the privilege of touring the East Wing of the White House. After passing through three security checkpoints, I began walking the tour route.

As I was walking through the ground floor corridor, I was surrounded by picture frames containing pictures of past presidents, bill signings, birthday celebrations, inauguration ceremonies, and, of course, President Obama and his family.

From the ground floor corridor, I was led to the China Room, Vermeil Room and library. Despite the overwhelming beauty that all of these rooms expressed, I was most struck by the China Room due to the price tag it carried. The China in that room probably carries a heavier price tag than the whole house!

Upstairs I went, and the East Room was before me. Bright yellow in color and polished, the view was simply amazing. This room is usually the room where Medal of Honor recipients are awarded their medals, receptions are held, and parties commence. Joining with this room is the Cross Hall -- a very famous hallway. The spot where the East Room and the Cross Hall meet is where presidents have declared ultimatums to foreign powers, announced peace, calmed domestic concerns, and addressed grievances to the American people. By far, the sense of power that the East Room bestowed on me was heavy.

Right after walking through the East Room, I toured through the Green Room, Blue Room and Red Room -- each room being its implied color. Within these three rooms were artifacts representing just short of 300 years of American history. In my opinion, the Blue Room is one of the most profound rooms in the White House since this is the room where presidents meet and greet foreign heads of state, members of Congress, and place the official White House Christmas tree.

The second to last room on the tour is the State Dining Room. This room is where First Lady Dolly Madison, in 1814, removed the Gilbert Stuart portrait of George Washington to prevent it from being harmed when the British burned down the White House. Centered with a long wooden table with multiple chairs, and overlooked by a pondering Abraham Lincoln, the room commands discipline and seriousness.

As I exited the State Dining Room, I entered the final tour stop. Once I realized what area of the White House I was in, I felt goosebumps. Standing in the Entrance Hall and Cross Hall, I was surrounded by pictures of past presidents. Looking down toward the East Room side of the Cross Hall, I imagined President Obama walking along the same red carpet beneath my feet, inching closer to a podium where he would address the nation on live television.

Once I was done taking pictures, I walked toward North Portico exit door -- the front entrance to the White House. I was extremely humble when I walked out the front door. At this very exit, an abundance of American history is rooted. Robert (Bobby) and Jacqueline Kennedy exited this door to trail the funeral car containing the body of President John F. Kennedy. Moreover, through this door presidents have greeted heads of state, party guests and new Christmas trees -- you can tell I like Christmas.

After walking down a flight of stairs, I walked along an East Wing sidewalk and exited the White House grounds.

It was truly an honor to tour the White House. Due to my profound passion for American politics and public service, as well as my aspiration to run for public office, having the opportunity to explore the White House was a dream come true.

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