Take The White Girl Test
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Take The White Girl Test

See how you stack up.

Take The White Girl Test

We have a race problem in the United States. That statement is probably the greatest understatement in the history of the universe, but remains true nonetheless. We need to talk about it.

"Hold on," you might say. "What could this white co-ed from the Northwest possibly know about the complicated and incredibly bloody plight of minorities?"

Absolutely nothing. Well, not nothing — but I don't really think it's my place at the moment to instigate that conversation when others are doing so brilliantly. So instead, I thought we could look at some of the Internet's results of "white girl stereotypes" and see how I stack up.

How successful am I at both being a white girl and self-deprecating humor? Let's find out!

1. I survive on Starbucks.

If I'm driving to and from school and home, I might stop in for a quick caffeine drip, but it's not my top choice. Too corporate and I've never thought their coffee is particularly great.

Take that, societal norms!

Stereotype Score: 0/16

2. I spend time finding coffee at independent coffee shops, and I'm proud of it.

Damn it. Yep, this is absolutely true. There's like five different shops within walking distance of my apartment I tend to cycle through. I also lament the loss of my favorite coffee shop, Cutter's Point, every time I drive back to school.

Stereotype Score: 1/16

3. I obsess over my iPhone.

YES. I'd honestly be helpless without it. I use it for everything from recipes to social media where I share the stuff I didn't burn too badly. Plus, I'm so direction-blind I couldn't get around anywhere without it.

Stereotype Score: 2/16

4. I drink lemonade.

Oh, you meant the drink? Or the album? That's a yes to the former and a no to the latter. Which says a lot more about my whiteness. I'm sure it's a great album, it's just not for me. Personally, I think that it was a great career move on Beyoncé's part.

Now it's time for me to hide behind a chair while I wait for Bey-Hive to swarm past me.

Stereotype Score: 3/16

5. I spend my free time playing tennis at country clubs.

I have never played tennis on anywhere but a table in my life. Does having a membership to a really fancy gym count?


Stereotype Score: 4/16

6. I own several pairs of yoga pants.

HA! Finally, the ONE stereotype I have never fulfilled. But it's less of a pride thing and more of a fear of not having pockets.

I carry a lot of stuff with me, guys.

Stereotype Score: 4/16

7. I am obsessed with hair/makeup.

YEP. I'm pretty behind the curve on these kind of things, and I'm not convinced contouring isn't legit witchcraft, but I've done all kinds of things with my hair. There's an old family saying that "you can't have a bad day when your hair looks good," and it hasn't failed me yet.

Stereotype Score: 5/16

8. I take selfies.

I took this last week for no reason other than having nothing to do after work. Just a practice in vanity, I can assure you.

Stereotype Score: 6/16

9. I am constantly going tanning.

As the selfie above can attest, I can't cop to this one. Unfortunately, those Scandinavian genes can't be held off for long.

Stereotype Score: 7/16

10. I love the beach and 11. hot boys.

...I'm sorry? What was I saying?

Stereotype Score: 9/16

12. I shop at the Holy Trinity of Victoria Secret, Bath & Body Works and Urban Outfitters.

HAHAHAHA. More like the trinity of Walgreens, Goodwill and Fred Meyer. Plus I loathe the mall.

Stereotype Score: 9/16

13. My Twitter bio describes me in short, separate sentences.

I JUST rewrote this last week, so I have no excuse. Also - *insert shameless social media plug here*

Stereotype Score: 10/16

14. I'm excited at the prospect of cardigan weather.

They're comfy sweaters with pockets. Of course, I love any justification to wear one. I'm probably wearing one right now.

Stereotype Score: 11/16

15. I adore fishtail braids.

Man, back when my hair was long, I swear I wore one every single day. It's the fanciest style I'm confident enough to do myself.

Stereotype Score: 12/16

16. These stereotypes offend me.

Let's be real here. All of these jokes derive from a basic understanding of white privilege: on average someone like me is well-off, educated and as a result, doesn't have to do much to always be surrounded by people like themselves. White privilege is real, and I have it in spades.

But if I have to read one more op-ed about how someone like me is "more than their privilege" or call to end a stereotyping white people ... oh boy. Way to focus on the trees instead of the raging inferno around you.

Nobody is saying that stereotypes can be positive. We all need to imagine others complexly (to borrow a phrase from John Green). But the point of talking about white privilege isn't to make you feel guilty; it's to spark a change in you to realize that you have been given something denied to others and vow to use it in order to help others.

So get it together, guys.

Final Score: 12/16= 75% White Girl

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