Why "White Collar" Is The Best TV Series Out There
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Why "White Collar" Is The Best TV Series Out There

Blue eyes, classics and the FBI? Yes, please!

Why "White Collar" Is The Best TV Series Out There

For all of you that are obsessed with "Grey's Anatomy," "Game of Thrones" or even "Breaking Bad," I have to tell you: I am way past those TV shows. Recently, a friend recommended "White Collar" to me, and I got incredibly hooked. The show is one in which you actually have to think and play an active role throughout the plot. Let's talk about the minor, but in reality, major details of why you should watch this show.

For those who may not know, this is a relatively older show which premiered in October 2009 and ran until December of 2014, ending with a total of six get-on-your-toes seasons. The TV series focused on Neal Caffrey, played by prince charming Matt Bomer (please, I know you are gay and I'm happy for you, but if you ever see this just know that I really love you, and just love me back, OK). Neal is an alleged bond forger, con artist and thief. When Special Agent Peter Burke from the FBI catches Neal, Neal is sentenced to four years in prison. Instead, Neal comes up with a work-release program in which he is to work for the FBI under the White Collar division as a consultant. After Peter agrees, the duo is inseparable in no time. The two catch criminals and con-artists with Neal's impeccable all-rounder knowledge and Peter's astounding investigative skills. Although Neal is constantly forced to choose between the life of a con and an honest life as a consultant, Peter develops a bond with Neal that helps Neal make the decisions that are always best for himself.

If I haven't pulled you in yet, here are more reasons to watch "White Collar."

1. Of course, Neal Caffrey.

Not only is Neal an expert in forgery, art, counterfeiting, thief, puzzles and math, but he also can forge any piece of document you can imagine, including the Mona Lisa. Beyond just being an amazingly smart con artist, he is an expert at discerning faces and reading what people desire and what their weaknesses are. His love for Greek philosophy and Romantic poetry make him all the more desirable. He possesses charm and a good sense of style, which throws me off the roof and highly distracts me. Like, really distracts me. The grappling blue eyes just make me melt. (Seriously, he's the kind of handsome no human could ever deal with on a daily basis. He's so normal, yet the way he talks, walks and breathes is convincingly beautiful.) Beyond his charm and beauty, his way of presenting himself is classy. He is a confident man of many expertise. He is one to have an idea on the spot come any situation. He'll always be your man.

2. The bromance between Peter and Neal.

When the show starts, Peter is catching Neal for the second time, and things don't look so great for Neal's future. I mean, he escaped prison to find his ex-girlfriend. However, as the show goes on, both Peter and Neal adore each other, and the different dimensions of their relationship are constantly shown: They respect but also infuriate one another at the same time. It's always a love-hate relationship between the two. Peter treats Neal like a little brother – he finds delight in him and believes he has unmatchable intelligence. They are the perfect odd couple, and throughout the plot, we see them taking a bullet for each other if trouble comes way.

3. This show is for nerds!

"White Collar" not only focuses on FBI stings and stakeouts but also finds delight in celebrating various historical, art, science and even music-related facts. This is a smart series, and unlike many TV shows out there, the mini-mysteries are compelling and require thought-out intelligence to create the script, act it out and even have the audience discern through it. Not only is the plot full of well-read verses, but also the vocabulary and knowledge spans are out of this world. The show delivers every nerd his or her rightful erudition.

So, what are you doing? Get on Netflix and prepared to be swayed!

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