10 School Outfits For The Best-Dressed (Online) Student
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10 Outfits To Be The Absolute Best-Dressed Person In Every Single One Of Your Online Classes This Fall

For all the lazy college students, I know you don't want to be there but nothing's more motivating than a good outfit!

10 Outfits To Be The Absolute Best-Dressed Person In Every Single One Of Your Online Classes This Fall

In the midst of COVID-19, the world has shifted from its sense of normalcy. One big change is most colleges embracing online classes, to provide students education while keeping them safe.

I will be the first to say that online classes aren't exactly a five-star experience (more like 1.5 but I digress!). But as a junior in college myself, I focus on the positive which in this case is my wardrobe for class. Dressing the part definitely lifts my moods to stay out of the digital blues.

Here are 10 things you can wear to online classes that will keep you stylish and smart this year!

Blazer with a crop top


Blazers are so professional to wear to class, and with customizable features, anyone can find a blazer that will fit their build. Try to incorporate these business jackets with more lounge pieces like crop tops to fit your personal style, and stay comfy in a class all day!

Silk scarf around the neck/ as a headband


I am no stranger to having a bad hair day, but sometimes I want to have more chic options than opting for a dad hat. Silk scarfs are an easy fix to any hair fail by giving you a sleek, and effortless "I totally planned this" look!

Go-to graphic tee


Probably every human being in the Gen Z generation has a graphic tee. Wear a college collegiate tee to show off your school spirit (or the fact that you did no laundry) or any graphic t-shirt that has a strong message attached to it that your professors can't argue.

Open blouse


Blouses are so underrated as a staple for school style! With different patterns and textures, blouses can be paired with bralettes or a gold chain for the boys out there. They automatically make it look like you handed in that assignment last night, even though you didn't.

Crewneck with pearls


Crewnecks are my friend! If I have to take virtual classes, I will be cozy and comfortable while doing it! To not lose interest with my crewneck obsession I love to pair them with a pearl necklace or wear it on top of a blouse for some variety.

Statement hoodie


Hoodies are god's given gift to college students and they fit our aesthetic so well. To spruce, up the look of a hoodie in class, I like to layer them with leather jackets and detail them with corsets.

Pajama silk top with statement earrings


I can't tell you how many times I have worn my pajamas to class before the pandemic! But, the look of certain pajama tops can double as a silk top to wear during the day. I pair them with blazers to fool all my professors.

Polo top


Maybe this stems from my middle school obsession with polo tops, but the love is still there! Since polo tops have a pointed neckline, they are my go-to for online classes. I pair them with statement necklaces to accentuate the look.

Denim jacket


Denim jackets complete any casual look, and this is especially the case for online classes. Choose the right denim jacket for you, whether it be distressed, cropped, or light washed. I complete the look with some statement earrings, my favorite being hoops and I'm ready for class.

Workout top


I have so many workout tops in my wardrobe not because I actually workout, but I love how slim-fitting and comfortable they are. I buy basic long sleeve tops in black, white, and grey to incorporate into my everyday fashion. To make it class appropriate, I pair them with my favorite gold watch.

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