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12 Things To Do At Midnight On New Years Eve

This isn't just for the single Pringles out there either, folks

Friends celebrating the New Years!

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When the clock strikes twelve midnight on New Year's Eve, do you ever find yourself lost regarding what to do during that big moment? It's a very important moment. It is the first moment of the New Year, doesn't it seem like you should be doing something grand, something meaningful, something spontaneous? Sure, many decide to spend the moment on the lips of another, but what good is that? Take a look at these other suggestions on how to ring in the New Year that are much more spectacular and exciting than a simple little kiss.

Run Around Clanging Pots and Pans in Everyone's Face

Friends drumming on pots and pansStableDiffusion

This tradition is meant to drive away bad spirits of the past, but honestly, it's more like a free concert...your friends should really be paying you for your services if you decide to do this on New Year's Eve.

Eat the Last Few Pigs in a Blanket

New Years dinner table with friendsStableDiffusion

It's been sitting there since what, 8:00? You snooze you lose, and besides, no one's paying attention to you anyway.

Pop Twelve White Grapes

12 white grapes in a glassStableDiffusion

If you were in Spain, everyone would be doing just this. One grape for every month of the year. It's supposed to be lucky and stuff.

Burn Something

Person holding a fire crackerPhoto by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

It's really not that odd-- families in Ecuador burn scarecrows every year on New Year's Eve. It's a symbol of diminishing the negativity of last year. Perhaps preform this one outside though, just to be safe of course.

Smash Things Against a Wall

white and black ceramic platePhoto by Lidye on Unsplash

We can thank the Irish for this bright idea, they use bread specifically though. Who knows why this is a tradition, but it certainly seems like it could be incredibly soothing, don't you think?

Spontaneously Begin an Irish Jig

friends forming heart gesturesPhoto by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

This isn't lucky or symbolic of anything, but it'll give you something to do at the stroke of midnight and you'll look god damn cool doing it.

Call Your Mother

woman making a phone call

rotary telephone

Photo by Vinicius "amnx" Amano on Unsplash

Well, she did give birth to you. Midnight on New Year's Eve seems as good a time as any to thank her.

Throw a Coffee Table Out a Window

Friends lying down in front of a windowPhoto by Kinga Howard on Unsplash

According to South African tradition, it doesn't necessarily have to be a coffee table. It could be a futon, an ottoman, an armoire, really any piece of furniture that's old. It's for luck of course.

Sing "Auld Lang Syne" at the Top of Your Lungs

silhouette of friends singing on top of mountainPhoto by Chang Duong on Unsplash

Channel your inner Beyonce, or Mariah, or whoever your Pop Star Diva Queen is and belt that tune. It'll be fantastic mood music.

Do Some Squats

Two friends doing squatsPhoto by Meghan Holmes on Unsplash

May as well start the New Year off by working on your inevitable resolution to drop some pounds. Why waste a single moment, you're likely forget the resolution by February anyway.

Swan Dive into a Nearly Freezing Body of Water

two people jumping off a boat into the waterPhoto by Brayden Prato on Unsplash

Another foreign tradition, this one is practiced by Germans. The kick of it is, you've got to do it while holding a lit torch. Again, who knows why this is a tradition, but its certainly sounds like a fun little challenge to ring in the New Year.

Take a Shot

Friends doing a selfiePhoto by Duri from Mocup on Unsplash

And by shot, naturally I mean a snapshot. Perhaps a group photo, a selfie, or even an unfortunate snipe of your best friend. You'll feel loads better knowing you'll have something to always remember the first moments of 2025 by.

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