Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21): AP Environmental Science | The Odyssey Online
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Which Well-Known AP Class Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

And just in time for AP Exams season! Get your studying on!

Unsplash / Elijah Hail

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Happy testing season! Tis' the season of reviewing and reading, and there's no way you can complete your AP Exams studying without knowing just exactly which AP class you are. So, here's the moment when you finally find out which class the stars have destined for you to identify with.

Aries (March 21 to April 19): AP Art History

AP Art History is the perfect class to brag about being in considering how much knowledge about history you have to memorize. From artists to the art pieces themselves, you have so much to learn about the beauty that art brings to the world. I always see AP Art History students pulling out flashcards, highlighters and note-filled notebooks and just know that they're diligent students working as hard as they can to succeed in the class.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20): AP Government and Politics

We tend to call this the introductory AP class at our school, but for many, AP Government is a class to take senior year, too. Regardless of when you take it, though, the information in this class is integral to understanding the foundations of America's government and politics. Being an AP Government student is a valuable title to have because you get insight on how the country's political side runs smoothly. Plus (in my opinion), it's one of the most fun APs!

Gemini (May 21 to June 20): AP Macroeconomics/Microeconomics

Gemini is always associated with the duality of personality, which is exactly what AP Macro and Microeconomics bring to the table. Each course is one semester long, but the content revolves around economics in all aspects of life. While AP Microeconomics focuses on people's economic decisions that impact their lives, AP Macroeconomics talks about the grand scheme of economics in a system. Combining the two into AP Economics give off a Gemini vibe: the perfect combination of two hemispheres.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22): AP World History

AP World History to this day has been the toughest AP course I have ever taken, but I can't fail to mention that I learned some of the most interesting facts in that class. Mongols, war and the Silk Road are just three individual elements of a course that covers thousands of years of humanity and the power that man can evolve to have. Cancers to me are affiliated with history and geography, and AP World History is the balance between the two.

Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22): AP Physics 1/2/C

Physics, in general, is a completely different mode of thinking. Applied mathematics is easier said than done, and every single new unit brings another perspective to how the world works. AP Physics is one of the most famous courses, and with Leos being infamous for deserving the attention, AP Physics is the perfect fit. It doesn't matter what year of AP Physics you're taking because it's already amazing that you're taking such a difficult course and making it your own.

Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22): AP Calculus AB/BC

AP Calculus is, arguably, the mother of all AP classes. Calculus takes mathematics to an elevated level that Virgos seem to uphold in their personalities, mainly involving the principles of discipline and order. AP Calculus requires memorization, whether it be Taylor series, derivative formulas or trig substitution steps, and Virgos thrive off the same type of organization in their lives. Everything in Calculus is set to be done in a certain way, and if a Virgo doesn't have their life in the same format, then chaos ensues.

Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22): AP English Language/Literature and Composition

To me, Libras are creative people. They're always drawn toward drawings, writing or music (among other artistic forms), and any AP English class is sure to show those interests. AP Lang has a lot of writing, with three main essays: Argument, Synthesis and Rhetorical Analysis, and AP Lit is known for the tremendous amounts of reading required for the class. But does any of that matter when reading and writing are exactly what Libras love to do? Absolutely not.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21): AP Computer Science Principles/A

When I took AP Computer Science A last year, the first half of the year was a struggle. I mean, the idea of Computer Science is such a strange concept to grasp, the whole process of telling a computer what to do. But we can't deny that this is simultaneously one of the coolest things to learn in an AP course, and Computer Science Principles and A never fail to impress. Scorpios have the exact kind of control in a situation that a person has over a computer in this class, and the parallels between the classes and Scorpios are too striking to ignore.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21): AP Environmental Science

AP Environmental Science, or "APES" for short, is all about the interactions between humans and Earth, and similarly, a Sagittarius loves being outside and in nature. Sagittarius has a heightened awareness about the relationship between oneself and the outdoors, and their love for the planet boosts their morals. There's no way APES isn't the AP class for Sagittarius considering both are focused on improving the world by making a positive impact on human interactions.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19): AP Chemistry

AP Chemistry is also one of the most difficult AP courses offered to high school students, but we all know that Capricorns are considered the most analytical zodiac sign of them all. AP Chemistry is a lot of memorization about a lot of different concepts, and since practically everyone I know is taking the class, looking at the course material in people's notes is confusing. On the other hand, if you tell someone you've taken AP Chem before, you'll forever be considered a hero. (And Capricorns love that!)

Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18): AP Biology

AP Biology may initially seem like a study of previously-reviewed Biology concepts, but once you start getting in-depth, the new details keep coming. Remember cellular respiration? Now imagine taking that and breaking it down to every last energy molecule and location. Remember large-scale evolution in populations? Now imagine looking at genetic evolution. Though it can be said that every person in the world is more complex on the inside than they seem externally (as seen in AP Biology), Aquarius is the best example of this. The outside personality seems creative and driven, but inside, Aquarius holds a lot more personality depth.

Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20): AP Psychology

Pisces is undoubtedly the most in-tune with emotions of all zodiac signs, and AP Psychology is the perfect class to describe that. Being fully conscious of one's feelings in any given situation is a gift that not many people possess, and AP Psych is all about delving into the human psyche. What makes us human? What makes us think, dream, believe? Pisces is always asking this question, and AP Psychology may have some of the best answers.

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