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10 Webtoons That Are Worth Reading

If you haven't heard of Webtoon, its basically an app where you can read all sorts of different comics.

10 Webtoons That Are Worth Reading

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Webtoon has various different genres and many more comics going along with them. You'll never get bored reading them and since there are so many of them, you can start a new one right after you finish your first. A lot of the artwork in the comics are really well done and you can get so immersed in the storyline of each webtoon, you won't want to put it down. Here are some of my favorite reads on here and some are still ongoing:

1. I Love Yoo


Author: Quimchee

Dogged by pain and misfortune from the very beginning, Shin-Ae decides she wants nothing to do with people nor anything to do with romance. Although content with her unsocial, boring, loveless existence, her lifestyle is challenged after she ruins an unsuspecting strangers' clothes.

2. Let's Play


Author: Mongie

She's young, single and about to achieve her dream of creating incredible videogames. But then life throws her a one-two punch: a popular streamer gives her first game a scathing review. Even worse she finds out that same evil critic is now her new neighbor! A funny, sexy and all-too-real story about gaming, memes and social anxiety. Come for the plot, stay for the doggo.

3. Lore Olympus


Author: Rachel Smythe

Witness what the gods do…after dark. The friendships and the lies, the gossip and the wild parties, and of course, forbidden love. Because it turns out, the gods aren't so different from us after all, especially when it comes to their problems. Stylish and immersive, this is one of mythology's greatest stories -- The Taking of Persephone -- as it's never been told before.

4. Big Jo


Author: Jungle Julia

Jo doesn't take crap from no one. Being fat as a teenager isn't easy, even when you know you're awesome. Watch as the clever Joan Rodriguez deals with school, bullies and all those people trying to change her.

5. True Beauty


Author: Yaongyi

After binge-watching beauty videos on YouTube, a shy, comic book fan masters the art of make-up, then sees her social standing skyrocket as she becomes her school's prettiest pretty girl literally overnight. But will her elite status be short lived? How long can she keep her "real self" a secret? And what about that cute boy she likes? Could you imagine if he found out the truth?

6. Space Boy


Author: Stephen McCranie

A girl who belongs in a different time. A boy possessed by an emptiness as deep as space. A story about an alien artifact, a mysterious murder, and a love that crosses light years.

7. Eggnoid


Author: Archie The Redcat

When a handsome guy comes out from an egg and starts calling you mom.

8. Athena Complex


Author: Kaisar

Athena, goddess of wisdom, goes back to school to seek revenge!

9. Orange Marmalade


Author: Seokwoo

People are no longer afraid of vampires but that doesn't stop humans from discriminating against them. Can Mari Baek hide her identity when she falls in love with a popular boy who hates vampires?

10. Days Of Hana


Author: Seokwoo

A story of love between werewolf boy Haru and human girl Hana.

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