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10 Ways To Avoid Burnout

In our busy lives, it is easy to feel unfulfilled.

10 Ways To Avoid Burnout

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From high school aged individuals all the way through adulthood, burnout is a very common result of feeling overworked and underappreciated. It is important to be able to see the signs of burnout and to learn ways to combat it.

Start saying "no"


I fall into this trap very often. I love taking on new tasks even if I know in the back of my mind that I cannot handle it. It is important to be realistic with yourself about what is feasible. It is okay to say, "no" to a task. Let someone else take on that responsibility. If you are stretched too thin, then burnout is inevitable.

Take a REAL break from your responsibilities 


It can be so tempting to respond to those emails on your time off. If you are taking a breather, then fully allow yourself to have a break. That means putting work/school away for a time and just enjoy the time to yourself. If you are constantly checking your phone or computer while you're relaxing, then that does nothing to take the stress off because your responsibilities are still buzzing in the back of your head. Unplug yourself.

Get a change of scenery


Sitting in the same cubicle or classroom under the same lights with the same people day in and day out can get monotonous. Try studying or doing your work in a different environment. For instance, if you typically study in the library, try sitting outside with your study materials. Sometimes a change in scenery can be very conducive to refreshing the brain. Dare to break the monotony!

Build a good support system


Building positive connections with people can really help combat burnout. By surrounding yourself with individuals you trust, you can communicate when a task is too stressful or when you need a break. These support systems could be friends, parent, members of an organization that you're a part of, coworkers, etc. A healthy, happy support system can make a huge difference in your mental state.

Pick up a hobby


This could be something like learning a new instrument or painting. By doing something that you enjoy rather than something that gets you a paycheck, you will gain a sense of happiness. In that moment, you are your own boss, there are no deadlines, no requirements, no one telling you what to do or how to do it. This is an activity that I enjoy a lot because of the creative freedom it brings.

Get good sleep


I am so guilty of not getting good quality sleep. I have the problem of compromising my sleep in order to get things done, which, as a result, makes me less productive the next day. It took me a while to realize this fallacy that I kept falling into, but once I did, I realized how valuable sleep is. By getting good, uninterrupted sleep, you will feel more rested and sharper mentally. Trying to accomplish things when tired is neither productive nor healthy. This is a quick way to get burned out.

Set reasonable, bite-sized goals for yourself


Even if your daily goal is something as small as making sure you eat solid meals, it is still important to set small daily goals for yourself. This will help you feel like you have accomplished something, even if you feel like you didn't. Setting these goals can also keep you dedicated and engaged. By feeling like your time is valuable, this will help you combat burnout.

Be alone in nature


Put away the phone, close your laptop, and get back to the basics. We spend so much of our time waiting for the next email or assignment to pass by on our screens. Our life should be more than that. When I'm beginning to feel the initial pangs of becoming tired of what I'm doing, I love to just be alone in nature. Instead of numbing our thoughts with social media, why don't we try to be at peace with ourselves? Being out in nature helps ground me when I feel like my life is chaotic.

Make "personal policies"


Personal policies are basically guidelines by which you govern your life that you refuse to compromise on. One of my personal policies is that I refuse to be interrupted unjustly, especially in a meeting for work or school. By stating your needs clearly and effectively without being aggressive, you help others understand what it is you hope to get out of your experience. If you state your needs and uphold them, this will also keep you from feeling like you are being walked on.

Remember your goals for the future


In trying to get to where we want to be in life, we can sometimes get sidetracked. One day, you might look up from your desk and have the sudden realization, "How did I get here? This isn't what I wanted my life to be." All too often, we lose sight of where we want to be. We get tied up in our day to day lives that we fail to see past what tomorrow holds. If we keep our long-term goals in mind, then we can eliminate unnecessary activities that might bring us stress or cause us to feel the dreaded burnout.

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