Why I'm Voting for Donald Trump | The Odyssey Online
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Why I'm Voting for Donald Trump

Because I also want to "Make America Great Again"!!

Why I'm Voting for Donald Trump
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I've never really been into politics, and I wouldn't really consider myself a Democrat or a Republican, but seeing as this year is the first presidential election that I get to vote in, I figured it might be good to do some research. In doing so, I found some pretty interesting information about Donald Trump that would make him the perfect president! Here are the top reasons why Donald Trump is fantastic:

1. Most people in his party don't even like him.

The issue that we're facing today is that a lot of people don't like Hilary Clinton. This means that they'll vote for Trump purely because they don't want Clinton for president. Another reason a lot of people will vote for him is because they are traditionally Republican. They might not like Trump, but they want a "conservative" president.

2. He hates Muslims

Hating a religious group because of what some radical members do is ridiculous. Personally, I'm a Christian. The Ku Klux Klan also claimed to be Christian. Just because we're both claiming to be Christians doesn't mean that I agree with what they are doing. I shouldn't be punished for what the KKK does, therefore neither should Muslims be punished because of ISIS. Land of the free and home of the brave, right?

3. He hates Mexicans

He's even more racist?! What a surprise!!! Donald Trump claims that Mexicans are rapists. So I guess if we're preaching stereotypes, that must mean that all Americans are fat. He even said, "and some are good I assume". Hmmm, I guess in a country of 122 million people only some are good.

4. He wants to build a wall

A wall that separates the U.S. from Mexico, how fun! I always thought that the border could use some new landscaping! Now seriously Donald, how/why do you expect Mexico to pay for a wall that you want to be put up. What are we, 4 years old? Not only will this hurt the relationship between the U.S. and Mexico, but I might not ever get to go to Cancun...

5. He's rich!

Well that's a good thing because I only look at the personal wealth of presidents when determining the quality of a president.

6. He promises to "Make America Great Again"

Wow, what an inspiring slogan. I totally understand what you plan to do during your time as president now! Really Donald, couldn't you have picked a slightly more creative slogan? Obviously everyone wants to make American great.

7. He says terrible things about women.

Heck ya, I love when 70 year old men say perverted things about women!

8. He said he would date his daughter

As if he couldn't get any weirder...

So for all of you who are actually voting for Donald Trump, keep these in mind. Now granted, I will admit that I do have a fascination with Donald Trump. How can he be so ridiculous and still have so many supporters? He's comical. He's orange, has terrible hair, and says stupid things that go viral and give him tons of attention. It's only a matter of time before he self-destructs. I guess the only good thing about him is that he's the subject of some pretty funny videos...

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