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5 Vacation Spots In Michigan That Everyone Should Visit

Five vacation spots in Michigan that everyone should visit one time in their life.

5 Vacation Spots In Michigan That Everyone Should Visit

Do you live in the state of Michigan? I hear all the time from Michiganders that there is literally nothing to do in the Great Lakes state. Today, I will be talking about five exciting vacation spots that everyone should consider visiting because you just may be surprised at how much fun you and your family will have.

1. Mackinac Island

Photo by Carissa Weiser on Unsplash

Mackinac Island is such a beautiful place to visit especially in the spring / summertime. You will need to travel by boat in order to get to and from the island because it is not accessible by vehicle. As a side note, you can use horses, bikes, and/or walk to get to your destinations on the island. There are a variety of restaurants with great food, gift shops, and my favorite, fudge shops (yum!) to explore and find wonderful items made in Michigan.

You must visit the Mackinac Island State Park to view its beautiful scenery which is a paradise for all nature lovers out there. To learn about a piece of Michigan's history, you don't want to miss out on site seeing at Fort Mackinac. It has a museum that has become a well known tourist attraction. One little fun fact about Fort Mackinac, and that is, the fort was a former British and American military outpost that has exhibits dating back to the 18th-19th century.

2. Mackinac City

Photo by Rudolph Arnstein on Unsplash

Your next adventure should include a stop in Mackinac City. Mackinac City is another well known tourist attraction from people all over the world. There are main attractions for the whole family to enjoy. You can have tons of fun at the Historic Mill Creek Discovery Park where you can go ziplining, learn about and witness how things were done back in history by watching a sawmill demonstration, and don't forget to get your exercise on by climbing a rock wall.

Mackinac City is also known for the famous Mackinac Bridge which is honestly a beautiful sight day or night. There is a nostalgia feeling about Mackinac City when you go to the Bellaire Theatre Courtyard Cinema and visiting all of the other attractions surrounding it. It's definitely a piece of history.

3. Ludington, MI

Photo by Benjamin Yang on Unsplash

Ludington is a very busy vacation destination especially in the summertime. The city is located in Mason County and has beautiful beach scenery in their Stearns Park and Beach. Stearns Park and Beach also has an stunning lighthouse named the Ludington Light which is a 57-foot tall steel-plated on Lake Michigan. It can be assessed by walking down the pier while surrounded by water on both sides. The Ludington Light has become a popular tourist attraction. In town there is a graffiti wall with breathtaking art. I would definitely recommend taking some time to visit this beautiful to relax and soak up the atmosphere. I promise that you will not regret it!

4. Grand Haven

Photo by Rutger Leistra on Unsplash

Grand Haven is an absolute beauty when you are searching for an amazing vacation spot in northern Michigan. The Grand Haven State Park has a picture perfect beach with miles of sandy shores. And, since Michigan is famous for having lots of lighthouses, Grand Haven has a red, but unique lighthouse that is so breathtaking whether you see it during daylight hours or at sunset. I truly enjoyed myself when I visited Grand Haven; we were able to walk out onto the pier and take pictures with the magnificent view of the waves, the sunset, and lighthouse in the background.

In addition, there is a spectacle event that draws thousands of individuals to Grand Haven during their summer night light show called the Grand Haven Musical Fountain. This event starts on Memorial Day and goes until Labor Day, it includes the musical fountain contains a synchronized display of multicolored lights and water with a particular theme. When you visit Grand Haven, there is no shortage of local gift shops, restaurants, hotels, and condominiums around the city which make everything convenient, and also make Grand Haven an awesome place to visit. Enjoy your stay because I sure did!

5. Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes National Lakeshore

Photo by Nicole Harrington on Unsplash

Last but not least, Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes National Lakeshore is located in Empire, Michigan. It's a definite "must do" vacation spot where everyone should visit and cross off their bucket list. Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes is one of the main attractions up north which makes Michigan famous. Another attraction is the beautiful Sleeping Bear Dunes: Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive which I would recommend one hundred percent for all nature lovers!

Because the view is spectacular, you get to see parts of Lake Michigan at a high level while driving through the trail. You also have the opportunity park your car alongside the road and explore the wonderful surrounding looking down at the awesomeness of the beautiful blue water. The sand dunes itself is another unbelievable sight for sore eyes because it has a picture perfect scenery. You can take your shoes off and walk in the sand while climbing the tallest sand dunes. Once you reach the top, the view of Lake Michigan is so beautiful that it actually brings tears to your eyes because you will be at peace with nature. Take a trip here, and let the sand run between your toes!

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