19. Put on areas of skin that are dryer while getting a fake tan to prevent looking orange in certain areas | The Odyssey Online
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22 Surprising Uses For Petroleum Jelly

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22 Surprising Uses For Petroleum Jelly

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If you're anything like me, you always have some Vaseline or Aquaphor stored in your medicine cabinet. But you'd be surprised what it can be used for aside from healing cuts. Here's a list of all the surprising uses I've found for petroleum jelly:

1. Use on skin after shaving as an aftershaveĀ 

2. Gives you insanely soft lipsĀ 

3. Moisturizes dry cuticlesĀ 

4. Makes perfume last longer on your skinĀ 

5. Helps tame split ends in a pinchĀ 

6. Use on a new tattoo to help the healing processĀ 

7. Taming your eyebrows and getting them to lay flatĀ 

8. To moisturize your face without clogging poresĀ 

9. To remove makeupĀ 

10. Helps to prevent chafing while exercisingĀ 

11.Softens your feet while you sleepĀ 

12. Swipe on your teeth to prevent lipstick getting on your teeth

13. To shine your shoesĀ 

14. Turn any dry makeup into cream makeupĀ 

15. Tame flyaways in your hairĀ 

16. Put over eyeshadow to create a wet eye lookĀ 

17. Add with brown sugar to create a lip exfoliatorĀ 

18. Give your skin a dewy glowĀ 

19. Put on areas of skin that are dryer while getting a fake tan to prevent looking orange in certain areasĀ 

20. Protects your skin from getting dyed while dyeing your hairĀ 

21. Protects your hands from chlorine dryness while swimmingĀ 

22. Soothes your nose when it won't stop runningĀ 

Petroleum jelly is a saving grace.

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