Taylor Glowacki on OdysseyTaylor Glowacki
Taylor Glowacki

Taylor Glowacki

Username: taylorglowacki

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    I am a junior Criminal Justice major with aspirations to become a Law Enforcement Official as well as a Medic in the National Guard. I am very active on my campus, and I love speaking my mind. I play rugby and the sport had given me so much confidence in myself, as well as the fact that it taught me how to find who I was. I am also very into fitness, and I love motivating people! I want to be able to voice my opinion, and share my views and views that others may have. I love reading the articles on the Odyssey and can always find something to relate to. I want to share my experiences and put them out there for the world to see. I truly believe that experience is such a great way to obtain knowledge, and to me that's reason enough to share them. I never know who my words or photos may touch, but if they were to help just one person, or touch their life in anyway, I would be a satisfied writer/photographer!

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