Shannon Keegan on Odyssey Shannon Keegan
Shannon Keegan

Shannon Keegan

Username: shannonkeegan

Joined in August 2017

  • About
    Hello managing editors at The Odyssey, My name is Shannon Keegan, and besides being a fiery red head with a passion for theatre, a commitment to caffeine, and a strong appetite for adventure, I am also an avid reader of The Odyssey. From comedic, heartfelt articles like "500 words on Being 18" to serious thought provoking pieces like "Enough is Enough", The Odyssey hits all bases of life through relatable, often witty, articles. As I've transitioned from a southern GA peach to the state our very constitution was drafted in, Connecticut, I have found comfort and familiarity through The Odyssey. Many of my favorite pieces have given me the strength and courage I've found necessary to make the giant leap from high school to college a far less intimidating one. I actually know plenty of northerners who have taken a liking to the format and content of the site itself as well though, which is why I want to bring The Odyssey to my campus, The University of Hartford. I happen to be a student at The Hartt School, a nationally recognized performing arts conservatory within The University of Hartford, but as a student attempting to gain a double major in both Musical Theatre and Political Science, I have had the opportunity to get to know quite a few students from different career paths and interest fields within my first month on campus, some of which I know would love an opportunity to write for this site. I'm very excited to potentially introduce the wonder that is The Odyssey to Hartford, CT. I'd sincerely appreciate any help and or advice as to how to go about all of this. Sincerely, Shannon Keegan

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