"How Far I'll Go" - Moana | The Odyssey Online
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10 Of The Most Underrated Disney Movie Songs

Everyone loves a Disney song!

10 Of The Most Underrated Disney Movie Songs

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As of late, I have been treating myself to a dose of childhood and watching a ton of Disney movies. In lieu of that, I have compiled a list of songs I feel like need more appreciation!

"Hawaiian Roller-coaster Ride" - Lilo & Stitch

Hawaiian Roller-coaster Ride, from "Lilo and Stitch," is such an iconic song. It's one of my favorites of all time and I really don't know why more people don't like this song.

"Bring Honor to Us All" - Mulan

The first song in Mulan is so catchy! Everyone knows 'I'll Make a Man Out Of You' and 'A Girl Worth Fighting For' but why isn't there more appreciation for 'Bring Honor to Us All?' My favorite part of the song is when Mulan's grandma sings, "A pendant for balance, an apple for serenity, beads of jade for beauty, you will proudly show it, now add a cricket just for luck, and even you can't blow it."

"The World Es Mi Familia" - Coco

Coco is a newer movie, and it's already one of my favorites. I think The World Es Mi Familia is my favorite song from the movie. I think Miguel's voice fits this song very well and it's such a catchy tune.

"Just Around the Riverbend" - Pocahontas

Pocahontas is one of the most underrated Disney movies in general, so of course I would include my favorite songs from the movie. I really just love the scene where Pocahontas is paddling through the river and singing the song.

"Reflection" - Mulan

This is the song Mulan sings before she goes off to war. The song is about your inner personality shining through into your outer self. Mulan struggles with showing the more feminine side of herself versus the more 'masculine' side. This song really touches on that subject.

"Colors of the Wind" - Pocahontas

Colors of the Wind is one of the most beautiful songs in all of the Disney movies. The cinematography that goes along when Pocahontas is singing the song is incredible. Pocahontas' voice is also so beautiful.

"Lesson Number One" - Mulan II

Okay, for whatever reason, not a lot of people like Mulan 2, which I have no idea why, but Lesson Number One is an iconic song! I absolutely adore this song mainly for the lesson it teaches about balance.

"A Whole New World" - Aladdin

A song close to my heart, A Whole New World, is absolutely incredible. I had a ballet choreographed to this song when I was younger, which sparked my initial love for the song. However, I now also love Aladdin and Jasmine. i also just love the scene when they're flying through the sky. I think it's so sweet that Aladdin wants to show Jasmine new things.

"How Far I'll Go" - Moana

Moana is a relatively newer movie, but I feel like no one really appreciated it for all it is. How Far I'll Go, is such an amazing song. I literally have this song on my phone and I listen to it on repeat so much. Auli'i Cravalho's voice is so incredibly beautiful. I just adore this song.

"You'll Be In My Heart" - Tarzan

You'll Be In My Heart from Trazan is a song extremely special to me. This is my mom and I's song. Even so, I feel like no one listens to this song enough, It's a beautiful song with such a sweet meaning.

I love all of these songs and hope that more people will add them to their Disney sing-along playlist!

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