24. Yell "We Are" at a tour group. | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

63 Things To Add To Your Penn State Bucket List Before You Graduate

In your years at Penn State, there are some things that you can't go without doing.

63 Things To Add To Your Penn State Bucket List Before You Graduate

My time at Penn State has been shaped by so many incredible moments and experiences, and I know there are so many other things that I want to accomplish before I graduate. As a student at Penn State, there are some things that you have to absolutely do or try before you graduate. No matter what year you are, the following list can be easily accomplished throughout your time at Penn State:

1. Get season tickets for Penn State football.

2. Attend at least one Penn State football game.

You seriously won't regret it. There is no atmosphere more incredible and crazy than Beaver Stadium during a home game!

3. Attend games for all of the other major sports as well!

That includes men and women's basketball, soccer, volleyball, ice hockey, lacrosse, as well as so many others!

4. Go on a bar crawl.

Of course, don't give this one a shot unless you're 21!

5. Do Nittanyville for a home football game.

6. Go to THON!

Seriously, this might be one of the greatest things you can ever be a part of. It doesn't matter if you don't have an org to stand with or a committee to be a part of. Go check it out for at least a few hours.

7. Try every ice cream flavor at the Creamery.

8. Attend a concert at the BJC.

9. Attend a free concert at the HUB.

SPA brings in some really cool artists and bands to perform free concerts at the HUB. With past performers like Jesse McCartney, Saint Motel, AJR, and a Boogie wit da Hoodie, they draw in huge crowds and are tons of fun.

10. Go to Movin' On.

Ride out the spring semester with Movin' On, Penn State's very own music festival that is always the last Friday of Spring Semester. This free event brings in tons of amazing artists each year and is a great way to hang out with friends and take in the last moments before finals week.

11. Hike Mount Nittany.

12. Attend Arts Fest.

Arts Fest is a weekend-long event every July that is known for some really cool art vendors as well as some amazing parties.

13. Get Canyon pizza after a night out.

But don't eat them sober...take that as a warning from me.

14. Order Pokey Sticks.

15. Go ice skating at Pegula.

16. Work out at the IM building.

17. Go for half-apps with your friends at Applebee's.

18. Throw an apartment/house party.

19. Go out every night of syllabus week.

And feel the effects in every single one of your classes the next day!

20. Join a club or organization!

You'll meet tons of amazing people and get involved with something you're interested or passionate about.

21. Go to Gaffeoke.

A.K.A. karaoke at The Gaff

22. Tailgate for a football game all day.

23. Go to the Blue and White Game.

And tailgate that one as well...there's nothing better than spring football!

24. Yell "We Are" at a tour group.

Odds are somebody did it to you when you toured Penn State, so you have to keep the tradition.

25. Take a tour of Old Main.

26. Complete 55 Days of Cafe.

Nothing in life has made me more envious than seeing all of the seniors chilling at The Cafe on a warm spring afternoon with pitchers.

27. Take a picture at the Nittany Lion Shrine.

28. Attend a wrestling match.

Head to Rec Hall to see the NCAA's best beat basically everyone.

29. Get dinner at The Field.

A Penn State favorite, The Field is known for their incredible burgers, shakes, and table fries! I'm literally drooling just thinking about it now.

30. Wait in the ridiculously long HUB Starbucks line.

31. Chill on the HSM steps with your friends.

32. Spend a snow day sledding on campus.

33. Go on a Drunk Food tour.

Hit up every Penn Stater's favorite late-night stops, including Yallah, Canyon, Gumby's, McDonald's, and Are U Hungry.

34. Spend an all-nighter in the lib.

It'll happen to you at least once, thanks to finals week.

35. Try out one of the Penn State fitness classes.

The instructors are amazing and a lot of the classes are really fun and challenging and a great workout!

36. See a show at Eisenhower Auditorium.

37. Visit the downtown Farmer's Market.

There's nothing better than getting fresh produce, baked goods, flowers, and more from the local Farmer's Market every Tuesday and Friday when the weather's warm.

38. Go to country night at Pickle's.

39. Wait in the Waffle Shop line for an amazing breakfast.

40. Get tossed after a touchdown during a football game.

41. Sing the Alma Mater with your whole heart.

42. Get a chicken basket from Beaver Stadium.

43. Have a photo shoot at the Arboretum.

44. Be a part of a riot.

Did you ever go to Penn State if you never partook in a riot? There's at least 3 a year...

45. Sunbathe on the HUB or Old Main Lawn.

The best thing to do whenever the temperature gets anywhere above 60 degrees.

46. Go out for State Patty's Day!

Deck yourself out in green and join in on the festivities, even if you're not Irish!

47. Spend a Saturday daylonging.

48. Get asked who you know at a frat.

Or what sorority/fraternity you're in. It'll never stop.

49. Attend Homecoming and the parade.

50. Go shopping downtown.

Between the array of trendy boutiques and Penn State spirit-wear stores, there's tons of places to spend all of your cash on.

51. Get a picture with the Nittany Lion.

52. Learn about the murder in the stacks.

But just a warning, you'll probably never want to study in there again after that.

53. Stand in the S-Zone at a football game.

You'll even get a special colored tee-shirt and shaker!

54. Eat at every dining hall.

Make sure to try a few favorites, like the West Cookies, late night at South, and Flips at Findlay.

55. Make Dean's List.

56. Spend your 21st birthday at The Phyrst.

57. Be a dancer at THON.

Or stay for all 46 hours! Both are equally as amazing and impressive, and most importantly...For The Kids!

58. Belt out "Sweet Caroline" at a football game.

59. Partake in Halloweekend festivities.

60. Go to a White Out Game.

They're seriously amazing! You'll never experience an atmosphere like a White Out Game. Especially when College Gameday is involved.

61. Go on Spring Break with your besties.

62. Partake in a fundraiser for THON.


The biggest accomplishment of all! Now the hardest part comes...having to leave the most incredible place in the world.

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