25 Tyrion Lannister Quotes That Make Him The Greatest Role Model
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25 Tyrion Lannister Quotes That Make Him The Greatest Role Model

"Those are brave men knocking at our door, let's go kill them!"

25 Tyrion Lannister Quotes That Make Him The Greatest Role Model

"A Lannister always pays his debts," is what they say; but Tyrion has been paying debts he never owed since he was born. Being born a dwarf, Tyrion faces prejudices from nearly everyone he meets. He is very aware of the fact that he is hated by most and uses that hatred as a weapon to make himself stronger. Tyrion is the wittiest, smartest and cockiest character in "Game of Thrones," and even he knows that. Tyrion has become a role model for many because of how he handles everything he has been through, and perhaps these quotes from him will convince you that he truly is one of the best fictional characters out there.

1. "... a mind needs books like a sword need a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge."

Tyrion is always very aware of his strengths and weaknesses. He knows he is not a great fighter who can win battles with a sword. He can, however, win battles with his mind.

2. "Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you."

Tyrion has been told since he was born that he, in himself, was flawed. He accepted his status as the "imp" or "half-man" and used that hatred to build a steel fortress that he wouldn't let anyone break down. He refuses to let what anyone will say about him hurt him.

3. "Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armour, and it can never be used to hurt you."

This one's similar to the above quote, but a little bit more emotional. Tyrion was speaking to Jon Snow at this point and, if you're going to take advice from anyone, Tyrion is the one to listen to.

4. "Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real."

Both mental and physical scars have plagued Tyrion's life. Being blamed for the death of his mother, being falsely accused of murdering the king and having his face quite nearly split in half in battle have all been among these scars.

5. "Death is final, whereas life is full of possibilities."

An optimist statement at its best, a sarcastic joke at its worst.

6. "The powerful have always preyed on the powerless. That is how they became powerful in the first place."

The Lannister family is very powerful; we all know this. Tyrion, however, has never felt much of this power. He can see the world for what it really is, while those living high and mighty in their castle walls may be blinded by the ways of the world.

7. "I try to know as many people as I can. You never know which one you'll need."

It is no secret that Tyrion often calls upon others to aid him, and he certainly has a way with getting people to trust him.

8. "When you tear out a man's tongue, you're not proving him a liar. You're only telling the world that you fear what he might say."

Tyrion is one of the few people who doesn't resort to immediate torture or maiming of a possible outlaw. When is comes to drawing the truth out from people, Tyrion is fairly good at achieving his goal.

9. "Let them see that their words can cut you, and you'll never be free of the mockery."

An all too familiar tale for Tyrion, as he's been mocked and ridiculed simply for being born differently. He knows all too well that had he not been born a Lannister, he may not have been important enough to keep alive.

10. "I wish I was the monster you think I am."

It would have been much easier for Tyrion to actually be a combination of all the things he is accused of being. He wouldn't have to defend himself anymore, because just think of how tiring that must be.

11. "A day will come when you think you are safe and happy, and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth."

When a threat comes form Tyrion, you know it's time to watch your back.

12. "I will let the gods decide my fate, I demand trial by combat."

Although Tyrion wouldn't be the one fighting, trial by combat was the fairest chance he would get at clearing his name. It's lucky for him that the gods remain on his side.

13. "It's not what we do, so much as why we do it."

Every action must have a reason behind it. As long as you have a valiant reason behind a horrible act, there's a chance that you may be forgiven.

14. "Killing and politics aren't always the same thing."

The only Lannister who believes this phrase, no doubt.

15. "There has never been a slave who did not choose to be a slave. The choice may be between bondage and death, but the choice is always there."

And what a difficult choice it is...

16. "People often claim to hunger for truth, but seldom like the taste when it is served."

Tyrion is often the one spreading truth, because he is one of the only ones who does not fear it. He is, however, also the recipient of the angry backlash when he speaks the truth.

17. "It's hard to put a leash on a dog once you've put a crown on its head."

Now who are we referring to here? Hmm.

18. "Everything's better with some wine in the belly."

Something we can all relate to, yes?

19. "Sometimes possession is an abstract concept. When they captured me, they took my purse, but the gold is still mine."

The gold may still be yours, but if you can no longer use it, is there any point in keeping it in your possession?

20. "Turns out, far too much has been written about great men and not nearly enough about morons."

Reading is something Tyrion does often. Among all his books, he has probably found the most interesting tales to be about those who were fools during their lifetime.

21. "In my experience, eloquent men are right every bit as often as imbeciles."

Sometimes, it's easier to make the lie sound like the truth, rather than come out brashly and honestly. And half-lies decorated in flowers are more pleasing to the eye than are ugly, jagged truths.

22. "...and now I've struck a king, did my hand fall from my wrist?"

One of his more comedic lines. We all know Tyrion is not afraid to put Joffrey in his place. Smacking him across the face seems to be one of his favorite pastime activities.

23. "I'm not questioning your honor, Lord Janis, I'm denying its existence."

It's best to be cheeky when you have nothing to lose.

24. "Bronn, the next time Ser Meryn speaks, kill him. That was a threat, see the difference?"

If only Ser Meryn Trant had spoken one more time...

25. "You might find it difficult to rule over millions who want you dead."

Cersei is no stranger to being disliked. Even the actress who plays her, Lena Headey, has earned some hate for how well she plays the role.

With a single season of "Game of Thrones" remaining, it is tough to say who will survive. Tyrion Lannister, however, is probably in the clear. After all, he is one of the wisest characters and no doubt will do everything he can to keep himself alive. By now, I'm sure you've realized why it is that Tyrion is a fan-favorite; his wits and humor have kept him in the forefront of the series, where he will surely remain. If you are looking for someone to root for, maybe now you will take on Tyrion as your favorite.

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