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7 Reasons Why I Believe TXT And ITZY Are Connected

The similarities are spooky.

7 Reasons Why I Believe TXT And ITZY Are Connected

Two mega rookie groups have just debuted in the K-Pop world and I am already coming up with theories that their universes are connected. While they might not actually be related, I found some interesting similarities between the two groups.

1. Debut times

Both of these groups debuted at the beginning of 2019. ITZY debuted under JYP Entertainment on February 12 and TXT debuted under Big Hit Entertainment on March 4. It seems like they are apart of and will be heading the new generation of K-Pop.

2. First wins

TXT got their first win on "The Show," a weekly music show run by SBS MTV. With their song "Crown," they snagged this win only eight days after their debut! And ITZY got their first win on "M Countdown" with their song "Dalla Dalla" only nine days after their debut.

3. Crown symbolism

Alright, now for the real spooky stuff. TXT's debut song is called "Crown." And at the end of ITZY's music video for "Dalla Dalla," they raise their arms and place their hands on their heads to look like crowns.

4. Theme of debut songs

Both groups have debut songs with the theme of self-love and acceptance.

The Korean title of "Crown" translates to "The Day Horns Grew Out of My Head," and is about how a boy starts to see his horns as a crown. The translated lyrics from "Crown" include:

"There's a horn rising up on my head, but I love it. You become my crown."

"Dalla Dalla" is about being different and unique and not caring about what other people say. Some lyrics from "Dalla Dalla" are:

"Don't measure me by your standards alone. I love being myself, I'm nobody else."

"I love myself, something's different about me."

"Don't care what people say, I know myself."

5. Opposite concept of their brother/sister group

Both groups might owe a lot of their success to the reputation that their senior groups have established for their companies. TXT are known as the little brothers of BTS and ITZY are the little sisters of TWICE.

In contrast to their seniors, TXT offers a young, fresh and innocent vibe. And ITZY presents a powerful girl-crush concept. By setting themselves apart, they eliminated the risk of being criticized for being too similar to their company's other groups.

6. Number of members

This one is simple, but both groups do have five members each.

7. Big Hit/JYP partnership

The CEOs of Big Hit Entertainment and JYP Entertainment are known to be good friends. The two companies even had a joint management contract over the boy group 2AM. Since the two companies have had ties in the past, it wouldn't be a surprise if they teamed up to prompt fans to come up with conspiracy theories.

My theory is that these two CEOs got together to plot the most successful rookie groups of 2019. And judging by the groups' accomplishments, they may have succeeded. We'll just have to wait and see what else the companies have planned for these groups.

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