Travel to Ios
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Travel to Ios

Guide of Ios

Travel to Ios


Different findings show that Ios ' history begins in prehistoric times. Careans, Pelageans, Achaeans and Phoenicians originally lived on the island. The Ionians settled in Ios in the year 1050 BC. Different assumptions were made regarding the origin of the Ios name. The main and trustworthy thing is that the island has its name derived from the Ionians

Top Destinations
Ios Chora or Ios Town is the main and only real Ios village, built on the west side of the island, 20 minutes walk from the port of Ios Town. It's a real gem, amphitheatrically built and shining under the sun. It charms everyone with its small cube houses with flat-roofed houses and its narrow paved stone streets winding like a labyrinth of white lines traditionally painted around the large flat stones; arches and arcades merge from one street or between two houses and create a magical atmosphere.

Ios Ormos is Ios Island's natural harbor in the same name bay. After Chora, it is the second most populated part of the island. This village is built amphitheatrically on the slopes of a mountain overlooking the sea, with whitewashed rooms for rent, pensions and hotels, maintaining the island's traditional cycladic character.

Best Sightseeing

Panagia Gremiotissa Church in Ios Cyclades A small church dedicated to Panagia Gremiotissa, the holy protector of the island, stands on the top of a hill above Chora, the capital of Ios. In Greek, the name means Virgin Mary of the steep cliff, probably because of the church's location. With a blue dome, white walls and a tall clock tower, this church distinguishes the palm tree next door, which is why it can be seen from every part of Chora.

The traditional windmills of Ios Walking to the entrance of Chora, Ios' capital, you'll see some well-preserved windmills now used as houses surrounded by beautiful, colorful gardens. Most of the windmills are found in the lovely city of Chora. Twelve mountain windmills complete its scenic beauty on the top of the mountain slope. They are worn by the weather, but they still watch proudly over the nearby little church of Agios Nikolaos. Two of these windmills were restored today, at least.

Top Beaches

Manganari Ios

Manganari is one of the most beautiful beaches in Ios, 23 kilometers south of Chora. The beach has golden waters of sand and crystal. Because of its remote location and the long distance from Chora, the beach is undisturbed by the noisy crowds, most of the day while offering a fantastic opportunity to explore its natural environment.

Mylopotas Ios

Mylopotas famous beach is 3 km away from Chora. It's the island's main beach, where all tourist activities take place. It's famous for its long, 1 km sandy beach and fantastic tourist facilities. Its crystal clear waters are ideal for swimming and the main reason why the Blue Flag was awarded to Mylopotas several times.

Koumbara Ios

Koumbara is a frequented beach with golden sand and white pebbles, 3 km northwest of the port. The beautiful bay takes a 30-minute walk from the port of Ormos and can also be reached by bus.

Ios Papa beach

The idyllic cove is located to the south of Kalamos. This rather isolated cove is surrounded by large cliffs. The beach is not organized, but the golden sand and clear water make up Papa's beauty.

Ios Tripiti beach

Tripiti is a beautiful sandy beach located on the southern side of the island, 2 km from Manganari and 20 km from Chora. As there is no road going to Tripiti and visitors have to walk there from Manganari, the beach doesn't get frequented. Most visitors come by boat from the sea. Tripiti is a beach of great natural beauty, surrounded by low hills and little vegetation. The water is crystal and the shore has golden sand. The closest tourist facilities, including accommodation and taverns, are found in Manganari.

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