4. Daytona Beach. | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

11 Places Near UCF To Visit During Spring Break If You Can't Go On Vacation

Luckily for us, we don't have to travel far to feel like we're on vacation.

11 Places Near UCF To Visit During Spring Break If You Can't Go On Vacation

Spring Break is here, and I know many of us won't be able to travel anywhere far. However, that doesn't mean you can't still have fun in or around the Orlando area!

Here are some of the best places to visit no more than three hours away from Orlando.

1. Tarpon Springs.


This adorable city was first settled by Greek sponge divers in the early 1900s, so this is the perfect place to get your fill of both sponges and Greek culture.

Enjoy delicious Greek food while strolling past the storefronts and boats.

Distance from UCF: 2 hours and 30 minutes.

2. Rainbow Springs State Park.


This park has some of the clearest, bluest water Florida has to offer! There's nothing quite like going tubing down their natural lazy river and exploring their beautiful waterfalls.

Distance from UCF: 1 hour and 50 minutes.

3. The theme parks.


This is just a given. If you live in Orlando, Disney World, Universal Studios, Seaworld and more are at your disposal. And if you don't want to spend the money, Universal Citywalk and Disney Springs are also some cheaper options!

Distance from UCF: About 40 minutes.

4. Daytona Beach.


Whether you want to get beach time in, ride some carnival rides or explore cute shops on Main Street and Beach Street, Daytona Beach has tons of options for things to do!

Distance from UCF: 1 hour and 15 minutes.

5. St. Augustine.


Founded in 1565 by the Spanish, St. Augustine is the oldest city in the US. It offers historical sites such as an old schoolhouse and a 17th-century fortress as well as more modern activities like rooftop bars and shopping areas.

You can also climb to the top of their 165-foot lighthouse for a breathtaking view of the area.

Distance from UCF: 1 hour and 47 minutes.

6. Mount Dora.


If a lakefront town with quirky antique stores and waterside restaurants is your thing, head over to Mount Dora. They have everything from museums to parks to boat tours.

Distance from UCF: 57 minutes.

7. Rock Springs at Kelly Park.


If you want to have a nice springs experience a bit closer to home, Rock Springs is a great place! This park also offers tubing on a natural lazy river as well as kayaking and canoeing.

Distance from UCF: 54 minutes.

8. Historic Downtown Sanford.


Only a short drive from campus, Sanford is the place to go to enjoy nice restaurants, shops, and art.

Distance from UCF: 25 minutes.

9. Clearwater Beach.


Known for its soft white sand and (of course) it's clear water, this beach city provides every water activity you can think of, from jet-skiing to parasailing.

Distance from UCF: 2 hours and 20 minutes.

10. Kennedy Space Center.


If you're even a little interested in space exploration and NASA, Kennedy Space Center is a must-see. Whether you're there to see a launch or just enjoying the tour and attractions, it's always a fascinating experience.

Distance from UCF: 48 minutes.

11. Stay in Orlando.


Believe it or not, there are quite a few things to do in Orlando itself. Orlando has a seemingly never-ending selection of bars and clubs, and if that's not your thing, parks and smaller museums, shops, and attractions. You'll never know what you'll find in this city once you start looking!

Have a safe and happy Spring Break!

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