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5 Places Offering Travel Deals After Quarantine

How countries are planning to boost tourism post-pandemic

5 Places Offering Travel Deals After Quarantine

COVID-19 numbers are still high 9n the United States, and as a country, they don't seem to be on a significant decline. When all of the social distancing and isolation began in March, I really assumed that I would be living mostly normally at this point and that the virus would have been mostly gone. I don't think I know enough about the situation to point to a singular cause of COVID's continued presence, but I am sick of it regardless. Thinking about traveling, however, makes these circumstances seem a little bit more bearable.


Visit Sicily This Autumn and Get 50 Percent Off Your Flights

This seems to be the most common one discussed, and it makes sense why. Italy has offered to match every 3 nights you stay with a night free as well as free tickets to museums and archaeological sights. They have also said that they would pay half of your airfare costs. What a dream!!!


The Cancun Hotel Association is offering free overnights and ...

The Association of Hotels in Cancún has incentivized travel by providing a "Cancún 2x1" which offers paying for two people and getting a third free. Similarly, they have created "Come to Cancún x2" which allows you to receive 2 free nights for every two paid, in addition to a discount on plane tickets when traveling with a partner.


Global: Tokyo named best hospital city in the world - LaingBuisson ...

The tourism industry in Japan has spent billions to boost tourism once they reopen, discussing ideas like travel vouchers and discounted flights. While there is no concrete plan yet, they're definitely one to watch when travel resumes.


Best Beaches In Bulgaria Along The Bulgarian Black Sea Coast ...

The Minister of Tourism has announced that several beaches will be free for visit in order to boost tourism. They will also be providing free umbrellas, tables and beds, so you can relax by the shore with a few extra dollars in your pocket.


Sea Caves near Ayia Napa, Cyprus

This is a very weird initiative, but Cyprus has offered to pay for any expenses of visitors who contract coronavirus while traveling there. I'm definitely not suggesting that you should get corona for that, but I thought it was interesting enough to add to this list.

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