Downloading and uploading files through the use of the BitTorrent network is the activity known as "torrenting." When you utilize torrenting, you will not be downloading files to a central server; rather, you will be downloading files from the devices of other users who are connected to the network. On the other side, users can share files from their own devices with other users so that they can download them.
Torrenting is the most common type of peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing, and in order to join to the BitTorrent network, you need need torrent management software. This kind of software is available for free download on a variety of various computers and mobile devices.
Everyone that downloads or uploads the same material is referred to as a peer, and all of these individuals working together are referred to as a swarm. Because of the way that BitTorrent operates, a peer can concurrently get a file from numerous other users, as well as simultaneously upload a file to several other users.
Because it is commonly used to exchange things that are protected by copyright, such as movies, games, music, and software, torrenting is frequently associated with piracy. This is because of how frequently it is used. Torrenting does, however, have a wide variety of practical applications, such as reducing the strain placed on centralized servers by decentralizing the hosting responsibilities among users.