James Corden has came up with the best invention known to man kind, carpool karaoke. From stars such as Adele, Lady Gaga and even the first lady, Michelle Obama. We can't get enough of these videos. Sometimes stars might not be as bubbly and open with it. But other times, we see Adele rapping and Madonna twerking. In no particular order, these are the top five carpool karaoke's (thus far.)
1. Adele
When you think Adele, you probably think sappy and sad love songs. She makes you cry whether you're happy or sad. But just because she sings slow music doesn't mean the girl can't rap.
2. Madonna
Madonna, you might think she's a diva and doesn't know how to have fun. But this video shows just how down to earth the "material girl" is.
3. Britney Spears
It's hard to imagine Britney not dancing in her infamous outfits. Not only do we get to see Britney jam to some of our favorite hits but, we get an inside look into her personal life.
4. Michelle Obama
Not to spoil it but.... the best part is when they drive past the Oval office.
5. Mariah Carey
While this one isn't as humorous as some of the others, it's funny how serious Mariah takes it...