Tomi Lahren Being Fired Defines The Ugly Side Of Mainstream Media
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Tomi Lahren Being Fired Defines The Ugly Side Of Mainstream Media

Being against women's rights was okay, until she spoke for our rights...

Tomi Lahren Being Fired Defines The Ugly Side Of Mainstream Media

Tomi Lahren has undoubtedly been one of the most controversial video hosts of the millennial generation. She has belittled minority groups, displayed white privilege beliefs, conveyed ignorance on historical facts, and has made clear that she's misinformed on political trends since she first appeared as a host on The Blaze. As a conservative Republican, she held many stances that went against what a great majority of people in the country stood for. However, she was a voice for the millennial generation regardless of what she was saying and regardless of who agreed with her. Tomi always said when she wanted to be said, no matter how many people disagreed with her. She was widely known for promoting more hatred than peace, and what could have been a powerful voice ended up influencing and often provoking millions of people in regard to crucial issues.

At one point there was even a petition on that aimed to remove her from The Blaze, reaching over 60,000 signatures. Previously, many thought she was not speaking out about issues appropriately, but a tweet Tomi posted comparing the Black Lives Matter to the KKK really sparked the petitions to have her fired. After she tweeted that, thousands of millennials worried that she was a horrible voice for their generation. Almost a year later, she expressed her support of abortion on The View, saying something she was never thought to have believed. "I'm pro-choice,” Lahren said during an interview on “The View” earlier this month, shocking millions as she went on to say,"I can’t sit here and be a hypocrite and say I’m for limited government but I think that the government should decide what women should do with their bodies.” Speaking for something she originally said she was against, not attacking any specific groups or calling names, changed her entire career.

Her voice is now gone. Many have been celebrating her getting fired, others have been angered at what they thought was an ideal conservative republican. Someone who once criticized the worldwide Women's March this year, mocking them for "their cardboard signs and their hashtags and their exclusive moral high ground we’re just not good enough to stand on," later spoke out about a position most of them are fighting for, and faced unjust consequences.

Freedom of speech is on the spot here; she got to where she was because of it, yet she ended up having to leave from using it. All the previous racist comments she has ever made seemed to never matter, but the second she makes a point in support of what many women are fighting for, she gets fired. It says a lot about not only freedom of speech, but also about women's rights. Tomi, regardless of whether or not you liked her, got fired for wanting the government to stay out of women's bodies. Never once did the racism and bigotry she expressed harm her career.

Why does this matter? Because when she stood in support of something many women are currently fighting for, mainstream media didn't tolerate it. Feminists, whether or not they supported Tomi, need to recognize how important this is. We do not need to worry about Tomi, but we do need to recognize and do something about the unfair views of Mainstream Media. Tomi got praised time and time again for shaming feminists and everything they're working towards, but expressing support of bodily autonomy appears to be extremely discouraged by the media.

Final thoughts? Tomi was someone that really defined the derogatory ideals that so badly defines our country right now, displaying the hateful attitudes that fuel the negative and ignorant views within our generation. She represented the typical Trump supporter beliefs that so largely divided our country, and it's clear that even going a slightly different direction such as supporting abortion discredits the ideal Conservative, or otherwise, someone to misinform and degrade an audience of millions. Tomi did not deserve to be able to express such disrespectful views that represents the Millenial generation's standpoints, she does not deserve to have anyone feel sorry for her, but we as a young, confused, and overwhelmed nation, deserve a news cast that understands the true meaning of freedom of speech, and a voice that uses it wisely.

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