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Student Life

24 Things You'll Always Find In A Frat Boy's Apartment, House, Or Man Cave

Things you'll find in every Chad, Zach, or Blake's apartment.

24 Things You'll Always Find In A Frat Boy's Apartment, House, Or Man Cave

When you walk into Chad, Zach, or Blake's apartment, along with any other frat boy, it's a guarantee that you'll find these 24 things.

1. An Empty Beer Can or Liquor Bottle

We all know that you're either going to find empty beer cans or liquor bottles either all over the place that need to be in the trash, or they're either there for decoration... or both!

2. A Composite 

Every basic frat boy has one of these in their place, maybe as a way to show off... typical, right?!

3. An American Flag

Because 'MERICA.

4. Street Signs

These are either going to have some type of funny name or relate to their personal name.

5. An Alcohol Referenced Sign/Poster

Miller Lite, Natty Light, Bud Light... take your pick!

6. A Cooler

You may even find that it's been painted by some srat girl who wants to be more than friends with him.

7. A Gaming Console

Because it's pretty obvious that they need something to do in their free time since they don't know what studying is.

8. Juul Pods

Typically mint flavored, but who knows?!

9. A Hole In The Wall

There's a 99% chance this probably happened at some point where there was alcohol involved.

10. Dirty Dishes

I'm pretty sure EVERY guy just piles the dishes up until there's nowhere else to put them.

11. Protein Powder

Because going to the gym is their life.

12. Condoms

Probably even enough to share.

13. An Unmade Bed

The sheets are probably hanging off of the corner of the bed along with it being unmade.

14. Clothes Covering The Floor

They're waiting on Rachel to come do their laundry along with their dishes.

15. A Lighter

There's probably a bad reason as to why they have this.

16. A Backpack

More than likely a North Face or Patagonia bookbag.

17. Old Spice


18. Boots

Duck boots, work boots, cowboy boots...

19. Coozies 

Stray coozies EVERYWHERE!

20. Frozen Pizza

We all know frat boys live off of frozen pizza and beer

21. Posters

Sorority posters, beer posters, frat party posters, you get the point.

22. A Dead Laptop

They use this for all the homework that they don't do...

23. A Beer Pong Table

It probably has a bunch of writing and names covering it...

24. Something Stolen

A "wet floor" sing, traffic cones, street signs, girl's belongings, etc.

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