Things To Do If You've Run Out Of Netflix Shows
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13 Things To Do When You Run Out Of Shows To Watch On Netflix

Because sometimes, Netflix lets you down.


There are so many movies and television shows streaming on websites such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and more, so it's hard to believe you'll ever run out of content to watch...unless you're like me and binge-watch a season per day (which is pretty impressive if you ask me). Yes, it may seem like the end of the world, but there are plenty of other subjectively fun things to do that don't involve your favorite fictional characters.

1. Cry.

Finishing your favorite show is an emotional process. You have to mourn your favorite characters, come to terms with the fact that their stories are over and realize you were that obsessed with some fictional character. When you're really invested in a show, you feel like those characters were your best friends. It's only fair to grieve their loss.

2. Read a book.

Rather than watching an intense plot line unfold, try reading about it instead. Besides, everyone knows that books are always better than it's cinematic counterpart.

3. Check out YouTube vloggers.

Recently, I've gravitated more towards YouTube videos than Netflix or Hulu. In comparison, the videos are shorter, they're real-life people (supposedly) and many popular vloggers put out new content a few times a week. Plus, there are videos out there for every kind of genre. Some YouTubers are out for blood, making documentary-style videos that put television specials to shame (hey there Shane Dawson and Jeffree Starr).

4. Try out an adult coloring book.

These bad boys come with a million different pictures, ranging from mandalas to flowers and even curse words. Not only are they fun to play with, but they're also quite time consuming, which makes for the perfect binge-watching replacement.

5. Rewatch an old favorite show.

I'm actually ashamed of how many times I've rewatched "Gossip Girl" or "Lost" solely because I had run out of other things to watch. Although sometimes rewatching a show can be a good thing. I like to rewatch certain shows because since I know how it plays out, I can look for clues that lead up to the ending. You also notice a lot of details you may have missed the first time around.

6. Start a journal.

Get your creativity flowing and start writing in a journal. You can write as little or as much as you want about any topic. The possibilities are pretty endless. Who knows, maybe you'll come up with a script for the next great Netflix hit.

7. Spend some time outdoors.

Chances are if you've been on a TV marathon, you've been cooped up in your room or on your couch. Some fresh air, sunshine and the real world may do you some good.

8. Do some retail therapy.

This option is great because you can either do it from the comfort of your own home (just like binging) or you can head to your local mall. But be warned, your bank account may not agree with you on this one.

9. Read crazy fan theories from whatever show you just finished.

Depending on the show, they may have a TON of crazy fan theories that are either super farfetched or so accurate it's scary. Shows like "Lost", "Pretty Little Liars", "Riverdale", "This is Us" and more are just a few that have sent the Internet into a frenzy. Even if you already know what happened, it's still funny to see other people's point of views or imagine what it would've been like if they were right.

10. Clean and/or reorganize your room.

You know your space could use some love and care. While this may seem like a tedious task, it can actually be pretty fun or even cathartic. You always end up finding things you forgot you had and can reminisce on some memories.

11. Catch up on some crazy conspiracy theories.

I'm a sucker for a good conspiracy theory. There are plenty of pages on YouTube or other sites dedicated to conspiracy videos or articles. Be careful though, because you could be at risk of falling down the deep dark hole of the web...

12. Reacquaint yourself with the outside world.

If you've been on a serious binge, then chances are you haven't been associating with society. Maybe it's time to hit the bar, a coffee shop, Target or wherever it is that you'll get some real human contact.

13. Refuse to accept the fact that there's literally nothing you haven't already watched at least once.

It's okay to be in denial.

Don't worry, there's always going to be new shows to look forward to. It may seem like an eternity between seasons, but I promise that you can do it.

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