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Dreaming of Innovations: Things That Need Inventing!

We all have that thought, "why hasn't anyone invented this yet?"

a brain with light bulb representing innovation

Are you ever going through a normal day and think of an invention that would make that specific task that much easier? It happens to me, and apparently others, more often than we think. While we're doing laundry, making the bed, driving to work, getting ready for a date, or simply eating dinner, these thoughts just come to us. Now, if only they would really be invented. Once I realized that these random inventions come to all of us, I decided to ask my friends and family what they have thought of.

Machine that makes the beds

a high tech futuristic machine that makes the bed

Necklace de-tangler

Rotating spaghetti fork

Spray on wrapping paper

Faucet that makes hot water glow red and cold water glow blue

Here's to no more burning your hands on hot water!

Waterproof books

Parking spot tracker

Do you ever go searching in a parking lot for a spot just to find out it's full?

Transparent toaster or knife that toasts the bread as you slice it

Could you have prevented that burnt toast if you could've seen it toasting?

Teleportation machine

a futuristic teleportation machine for time travel

Booth that sprays you with sunscreen all over

If only we could, for once, actually get sunscreen on our whole bodies.

Rewindable microwave

Do you ever regret microwaving that food for a little longer than you should've?

A "sick straw"

When we're sick, the last thing we want to do is sit up and reach for the cup of water or sprite. So, how about a long straw that reaches us from the cup?

Machine to show a memory

Are you ever trying to tell a story and can't perfectly describe it? What if you could show it exactly how it happened?

Automatic online ordering printer

It's definitely a drag waiting for an online order to get to your doorstep. If only there was a printer that could automatically print whatever you order right as you press "submit order".

Ultimate laundry shoot

It's always a struggle lugging the full laundry baskets and putting them all in the washer, only to move them to the dryer a short amount of time later, just to lug them all back. But, it would be so helpful to throw our laundry down a shoot that leads directly into the washing machine-even better would be if when the machine was full, it automatically began.

Predictable shampoo and conditioner

We are all nervous when switching shampoo and conditioner because we don't know how it'll react with our hair or what our hair will look/feel like afterwards. If there was some sort of imaging or picture that showed us exactly how our hair would react, we wouldn't waste money for something we end up not liking.

While some of these things may come soon and others are far from being invented, they would truly make our daily tasks a little bit easier, making room for us to enjoy other things and not focus too much time on nit-picky tasks.

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