Goodbye Edward Cullen, Hello Bruce Wayne
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Goodbye Edward Cullen, Hello Bruce Wayne

Robert Pattinson is no longer glowing in the sunlight as a Vampire but rather lurking in the darkness as Vengeance himself…

Goodbye Edward Cullen, Hello Bruce Wayne

Before I get into "The Batman," I have to say that I was a total Twilight nut growing up! I went to every midnight showing at the movie theater and waited hours in line at the midnight DVD releases. When I found out that my favorite vampire as a kid was playing THE Batman I was super excited and thought it was super cool to see Pattinson take up a role like this.

With my excitement also came my nervousness. Now, I wasn't nervous for Pattinson himself because I knew that he would put on a good performance, as he usually does. I was nervous about the reactions from everybody else. Just as I had expected, with the first announcement there was a lot of backlash and disappointment from people. I continued to hold out faith and was waiting for all the doubters to eat their words. As promotion went on and they released movie spots and first feedback, things started to pick up and the optimism for Pattinson seemed to increase. I hope by the time people are walking into the theater a great portion of those that doubted Pattinson, in the beginning, doubted him substantially less, and after seeing the film, most if not all of those doubters should be eating their words like I was waiting for. Coming in at just under three hours at 176 minutes, this movie was an absolute masterpiece of a Comic Book Film. Was it perfect? No, but very few films are let alone Comic Book Films. Director Matt Reeves gave us a version of Bruce Wayne and Gotham that we haven't seen before and I was fully immersed. I cared about what was going on in Gotham and wanted to figure out who was terrorizing my city just as bad as everyone else! The cinematography and the score in this film was just incredible. Every time I get angry I’ll just hear the theme play in my head as I seek vengeance.

Pattinson did an amazing job like I expected, and brought us a Bruce Wayne and Batman that we have not seen on screen before. He’s finally using those detective skills to solve the mystery of the Riddler. He teams up with the police and is basically partnered with James. He actually examines the facts and does his research, he's the most analytical Batman we've seen. The camera contact lens to be able to go back and see crime scenes and fights was amazing! I was so happy to see these things incorporated into this character. It wasn't just The Dark Knight fighting bad guys it was a much more logical, technical, strategic methodology. Robert was amazing and I am very pleased with him taking the Mantle. Another absolutely stand out character was Paul Dano. He was an absolute star in 2013’s “Prisoners” and recaptured the terrifying serial killer role again as Riddler. His performance honestly made me forget sometimes that this was a superhero movie and made me feel like it was something similar to the zodiac! The villains absolutely killed it in this movie, besides Riddler, Colin Farrell was completely unrecognizable as Penguin and I loved his performance. The few scenes that we actually get to see the bat and the cat interact were some of my favorite in the film. Their chemistry was absolutely amazing and I cannot wait to see them team up in the future. I cannot express how pleased I am with this film and I hope others are as well. It’s time to stop thinking of Robert Pattinson as only Edward from twilight because this movie proves that he is an incredible, and diverse actor. He is Batman now and I 100% completely feel that. I am super super excited to see Barry Keegan come in as the joker, when I heard him in that cell I jumped with Joy! Overall this is probably my second favorite of the DC projects so far, right behind peacemaker at number one and right after the suicide squad at number three. If DC keeps on this roll with The Flash, Black Adam, and Aquaman 2, Marvel could just see some pretty tough competition in the future! Let me know what you thought of Matt Reeves's “The Batman!”

Overall I give this film 3.5/5 Batarangs!

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