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6 Steps To Making The Perfect Cup Of Coffee

All you need to know.

6 Steps To Making The Perfect Cup Of Coffee

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I have loved coffee for years now. It was never a need for caffeine or energy, but the taste and smell of coffee were truly one of the best things I've ever discovered. It wasn't until college that I realized that making my own coffee was better than buying it anywhere. As much as I like to talk about myself, I'm going to go right ahead into the 6 steps anyone can do to make the perfect cup of coffee.

1. Make the coffee

It doesn't matter when you use, whether it's going to be a French press or a Keurig, pick your favorite coffee flavor and brand and make it into a normal coffee mug. Put the mug in the fridge to cool the coffee.

2. Fill a glass with ice

The best coffee is an iced coffee, so make sure you get a glass out of the cabinet or cupboard and put it out. I prefer using a tall glass. I love to use a mason jar, like the one in the gif. Fill it to the brim with ice, and then grab your favorite type of almond milk.

3. Pour the almond milk

Take your favorite almond milk and fill about 1/3 of the glass with almond milk. Make sure that there's not too much in the glass, or else there would too big of a disproportion.

4. Pour the coffee

Here comes the best part. Take the coffee out of the refrigerator and pour it into the mason jar. Now you can watch the coffee mix with the almond milk. It's truly one of the greatest sights in life.

5. Get a reusable straw and stir the drink

Stir it to make sure that the coffee and almond milk mix properly and totally. I think reusable straws are the best decision because plastic straws create a significant amount of unnecessary waste.

6. Enjoy!

You can now drink the best coffee you've ever made! Making your own drinks is truly better than buying coffee from anywhere! Enjoy!

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