The New Jersey People Don't Know About
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The New Jersey People Don't Know About

More than just a dirty place.

The New Jersey People Don't Know About

New Jersey has many known nicknames such as Dirty Jers, Armpit of America, oil and petrochemical refinery state, etc. But what people don't know is that New Jersey has more to offer. It is the Garden State after all! These are just a few of the many fun facts about New Jersey:

1. Farms

New Jersey actually has 730,000 acres of farmland which is more land than the entire state of Rhode Island. So it's true NJ is the Garden State for a reason.

2. Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty is in New Jersey's water and the land under the water is actually NJ state property. People say NJ is the armpit of America due to the nasty Newark airport/area surrounding and I mean there are more cars stolen in North Jersey and more specifically Newark than any other place in the world, but the Statue of Liberty is a representation of America. So, NJ is the forefront for immigrants.

3. Jersey Shore

Though many travel far and wide from the surrounding states to experience the thousands of beaches NJ has too offer, the Jersey Shore is not only a term for going to the beach. "Jersey Shore" the television show has many people across the country believing that all people in NJ are like them. Fascinating enough, only one of the original cast members is from NJ, Sammi who was relatively harmless while the rest were from New York.

4. Diners

People refer to NJ as the Diner capital of the world. Local dinners make it easy to grab a quick bite to eat or if you are in the mood take a long break they are both available. Local diners can make large suburb towns seem more small town, by letting you get to know the locals and those who live around you while enjoying a quality meal.

5. Miss USA

Pageants can sometimes feel a bit overrated to some but to others it is very important. Movies like Miss Congeniality show us that. Atlantic City is home to the Miss United States Pageant. She's beauty and she's grace, she's Miss United States.

6. Longest Boardwalk

Not only does Atlantic City have casinos, drunks, and beauty queens, but it also has the longest boardwalk in the world! It first opened in June, 1870 and the boardwalk is now over 4 miles long. In the past it has almost reached up to 7 miles long, but Mother nature had plans otherwise. Sending a hurricane to destroy parts of the boardwalk that never was rebuilt.

7. Tallest Water Tower

The tallest waterfall is also located in NJ, a random yet interesting fact. Union, NJ is home to this impressively tall water tower standing at a height of 212ft.

8. Baseball

Baseball is said to be the American sport and it all started right in NJ. Hoboken was the first place a baseball game was ever played, thus the sport was born.

9. College Football

The first intercollegiate football game was played in New Brunswick, in 1869. Rutgers College played Princeton. Rutgers won. Beginning an age of collegiate football which still lives on today.

10. American Beer

Americans love their beer and thanks to NJ they can have American beer. NJ was the birthplace of the first American Brewery. You're welcome America!

11. Largest Balloon Festival

The largest Hot air Balloon festival in North America takes place in NJ each summer. Not only can you watch such a marvelous display of beauty, but also there is an opportunity to also ride in these hot air balloons.

12. Largest Roller Coaster

The largest roller coaster finds it's home in Jackson, NJ at Six Flags Great Adventure. Kingda Ka is 418ft high and has been the tallest roller coaster in the world since 2005.

13. Pathway of the Revolution

Over 100 battles were fought on New Jersey soil earning it the nickname "Pathway of the Revolution." This is due to the amount of battles fought during the Revolutionary War gaining the Unites States their Freedom. Giving the state also a ton of tourist stops along the tour.

14. Famous People

Famous New Jersey includes William "Bud" Abbot, Alan Alda, Jason Alexander, Robert Blake, David Copperfield, Lou Costello, Tom Cruise, Sandra Dee, Brian DePalma, Danny DeVito, Michael Douglas, Kirsten Dunst, John Forsythe, James Gandolfini, Janeane Garafolo, Savion Glover, Ethan Hawke, Frank Langella, Jerry Lewis, Ray Liotta, Bette Midler, Frankie Muniz, Ozzie Nelson, Bebe Neuwirth, Jack Nicholson, Joe Pesci, Christopher Reeve, Paul Robeson, Susan Sarandon, Roy Schneider, Kevin Spacey, Meryl Streep, Loretta Swit, John Travolta, Lee Van Cleef, "Uncle" Floyd Vivino, Bruce Willis, Clerow "Flip" Wilson, Scott Wolfe, William "Count" Basie, Jon Bon Jovi, Connie Francis, Deborah Harry, Lauryn Hill, Whitney Houston, Ice-T, Queen Latifah, Les Paul, Nelson Riddle, Frank Sinatra, Paul Simon, Patti Smith, Bruce Springsteen, Frankie Vallie, Sarah Vaughn, Dionne Warwick, Yogi Berra, Franco Harris, Derek Jeter, Vince Lombardi, Shaquille O'Neal, Joe Theismann, Buzz Aldrin, Aaron Burr, Clara Barton, Thomas Paine, Molly Pitcher, Betsy Ross, Harriet Tubman, President Woodrow Wilson, President Grover Cleveland, Judy Blume, James Fenimore Cooper, Stephen Crane, Allen Gingsburg, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Toni Morrison, Norman Mailer, Dorothy Parker, Philip Roth, Albert Payson Terhune, William Carlos Williams, Walt Whitman, Malcolm Forbes, Robert Wood Johnson II, "Stormin" Norman Schwarzkopf, Samuel Colt, Thomas Edison, John P. Holland, Joe Piscopo, Marilynn McCoo, Eddie Money, Joyce Kilmer, Caesar Romero, Nathan Lane, Eva Marie Saint, Elisabeth Shue, Dave Thomas (Wendy's), Robert Wuhl, Ernie Kovacs and Kelly Ripa.

Though New Jersey lacks a state song, has a horrible flag design, a bad reputation of questionable driving skills, and Camden is one of the major crime capitals of the world, there are still great things about New Jersey that people often miss.If you just open your eyes maybe you'll see something other than a state filled with urban cities and something more along the lines of the beautiful Garden State.

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