The Never Ending Traffic Jam | The Odyssey Online
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The Never Ending Traffic Jam

Imagine two friends setting out for an adventure on a Friday afternoon, an adventure they expected to be quick.

The Never Ending Traffic Jam
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Making plans for long weekends is something that many people have a love/hate relationship with. Part of the fun of it is found in the mystery of what is discovered around each bend. The hard part is recognizing that not everything found around those bends is going to be positive in nature. Soon, we all learn to make the best out of those times.

Imagine two friends setting out for an adventure on a Friday afternoon, an adventure they expected to be quick. Quick and fun. Quick and purposeful. A trip to one of their homes that they expected to only take one hour, two at the most. A road trip that turned into four and a half.

3:30PM "Take this bag. My arm is about to pop off." The walk to the car carrying loads of laundry and back breaking bags full of textbooks and other assorted homework necessities occurs.

3:35PM "Do you smell that gas?" No? Ok. The trip commences.

3:45PM "Did we miss our turn?" Driving right past the on ramp to the highway automatically adds 15 minutes to the trip, the least of the problems to come.

4:00PM "Silence, silence, cricket noises, silence." Did the friends really run out of things to talk about already? Pressure to talk does not make for good conversation.

4:15PM "Yeah, you know those Hollister shirts and the backwards hats?" Yeah. That one.

4:30PM "At least we only have about an hour left." Or so they think.

5:00PM "Why does navigation have the same time left as when we started?" Traffic on a long weekend might have something to do with this.

5:15PM "Bass Pro." 'Nough said.

5:30PM "Should we call my mom?" Yeah, probably, seeing as the friends are going to be a little bit off expected arrival time.

6:00PM "The sign said rest stop ahead. Pull over, because I need coffee." (And, of course, snacks.)

6:10PM "WOW." ... (Insert actual stunningly stunning guy here) ... They then trip over their feet out the doors with chips, peanuts, Swedish fish, an iced coffee, and a macchiato.

6:15PM "What is that nasty green stuff running under the car?" Fingers crossed that it isn't from theirs.

6:45PM "Was that a video?" What has Snapchat done to their generation?

7:00PM "They'll tell you I'm insane, 'Cause you know I love the players, And you love the game!" Dancing in the car can be fun, as long as the driver keeps BOTH HANDS ON THE WHEEL.

7:15PM "Oh, thank you Jesus, we are in Worchester!" Only about 45 minutes away from home.

7:30PM "I'm really tired." Those are never words you want to hear from the driver.

7:45PM "Is that country on the radio?" They both hate country, so when K Love comes into range, it is music to their ears.

7:50PM "One more exit." One more.

7:55PM "JUST MOVE, TRUCK." The truck in front of their car won't turn off the exit ramp.

8:00PM "I don't have a garage door opener." The epitome of lazy might be calling parents in the house from the driveway of said house.

8:05PM "Ooh- NACHOS!" Opening up the house door and finding Nachos and family is how everyone should spend Friday nights.

Let the weekend begin.

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