Why We Live For The Lip Bar
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Why We Live For The Lip Bar

After being rejected by 'Shark Tank', black-owned lipstick company flourishes.

Why We Live For The Lip Bar
The Lip Bar

Aren’t you tired of hearing “that color doesn’t look good on you” or thinking to yourself “that color is too bold, I can’t wear it”?

Well here is a lipstick brand that takes all the bad views you hear and perceive of yourself out of the window! Uber pigmented, gluten and paraben free, vegan, bold and daring. The Lip Bar is for women who want to creatively express themselves! "Beauty isn't one size fits all when it comes to how confident you feel." - Butler

Melissa Butler, the mixologist and a Detroit native, decided to make a change in the lipstick industry and so she created The Lip Bar in 2011. She built her own company that challenges the beauty standard. Butler had a vision and passion for the cosmetic industry, therefore triggering the idea to create a lipstick blend of natural ingredients including Vitamins A, E, C and F, Shea butter and avocado oil. This company is branded for all shades of women not only to wear a bold color but to also have a healthy experience. "Beauty should never compromise health" says Butler.

The Lip Bar is “designed to moisturize, soften and amplify lips all while setting you apart with intoxicatingly bold, kick-ass colors” according to thelipbar.com. The ladies Melissa Butler and Rosco Spears were doing well on the sales front, but decided to expand their business by seeking further investments from the hit reality TV show "Shark Tank". Rudely rejected by all of the Shark investors on the show, the company still flourishes, turning their rejection into a $400K brand.

These aren’t your ordinary lipstick bottles; this unique black chic bottle is designed to be in the front of your vanity mirror make-up set. “The Signature Cocktails” set is currently $10.90 a bottle. With colors like: Purple Rain (neon purple shade), Merlot (red burgundy), Whiskey Sour (brick red), Amaretto Sour (cool caramel), Cocoa Cooler (90s brown), Baby Bellini (in the nude), Ginger and Tonic (taupe nude), Cafe Au Lait (milky nude) and Chocolate Spritzer (cocoa nude).

Their most current lipsticks are The New Metallic shades for $11.90 a bottle: Milf (soft pink), Conceited (copper metallic) and Everything (gold metallic.)

There is also another selection of liquid lipstick “The Liqueurs,” starting at 11.90. These liquid lip colors include: Chocolate Spritzer Gloss (red nude), Baby Bellini Gloss (brown nude), Candy Land (hot pink), Dirt Red (rose pink), Tiramisu Toffee (pink nude), Dragon Fruit (tomato red), and Razmanian Devil (oxblood red).

Last but not least some poppin’ “Liquid Mattes” for $11.99 as well include colors like: Bawse Lady (matte red), Crown Me (deep purple), Drama Queen (plum burgundy), Silent Killer (blue grey), Man Eater (taupe nude), Playmate (playful pink), and Boy Trouble (fire orange). If you haven't already, go check these lipsticks! They are available on their website TheLipBar.com and available to peek at on Instagram @thelipbar.

Unfortunately, some of them are already sold out, but there are other shades for every woman to choose from. If you are daring enough to wear these bold lip shades, which ones would you choose?

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