The Fall Of American Values
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The Fall Of American Values

When did truth, justice, honor and respect become a joke?

The Fall Of American Values
Kelly Ellis

I've tried to stay silent on politics, but I need to say something and make it clear of my current opinions. I know I have spoken of my misgivings on this before in my quips and somewhat humorous jabs about the current political climate when speaking in Toastmasters, but it's about time I laid out my whole thoughts. Actually, I think it would be more accurate to say it's time for me to go on a rant. I have not chosen who to vote for yet, but one thing I am sure of it will NOT be Trump. I'm not even referring to his policies when I speak of my misgivings, I'm referring to the man himself. He encourages hate and violence towards others, and that should be enough to disqualify him. People attack others at his rallies, and all he says is "I'll pay the legal fees". The President should be a symbol of unity, not division. I don't care who started what in any of those rallies, allowing violence against fellow Americans, the people you wish to lead, (who in some cases did nothing more than exercise their right to free speech mind you) is not acceptable. I don't care how "good" his intentions are. As my father once told me, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I keep hearing all these supposed Christians saying: "He's just speaking his mind", or "Trump will send those Muslims to Hell." "Keep all of those immigrants out, make America "great" again." Or something to the affect of "America is for Christians, everyone else is wrong". You know Jesus was born in the Middle East right? Anyone remember who he befriended? Thieves? Prostitutes? The outcasts of society? Now anyone who agrees with these hateful expressions, I want you to look me in the eye and tell me Jesus ever said the words: kill Muslims, or push "undesirable" people out of your country. Show me where he said be hateful towards people who were different from you. Show me where he said judge everybody for their sins. Show me where he said love yourself above those in need. Show me where he said turn your back on someone who needs your help just because you fear for your own safety. Show me where he said build a wall to keep everyone else out. Because I can show you where he said love thy neighbor as thy self. I can show you where he said turn the other cheek. I can show you where he chose to heal the sick who were cast out from society. I can show you where he told us to be kind, peaceful people. In fact, if I remember correctly, some of the beatitudes Jesus spoke to his Disciples were: blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.

I don't think he meant for us to attack Muslims just because a few are terrorists. Just like we don't kill Christians because a few bad eggs are KKK. Plus we seem to forget they worship the same God as Christians and Jews. But if that's not enough to convince you not to turn your back on these refugees then consider this: you are forced out of your homeland for not worshiping in the same way, despite still worshiping the same God, and having to travel across an ocean, crowded on ships, tired, poor and miserable, to find a land of opportunity and hope so that you can escape this persecution. That's how the first settlers came to America remember? We should celebrate our diversity, not brush it under the rug. Don't forget the endless masses of immigrants who came to America over the last century, leading to this country being called a melting pot of culture and ethnicity. Many of these people became CEOs of successful businesses and helped cultivate one of the greatest economies the world had ever seen. When did we get that so jumbled, thinking that immigrants do us no good? Or that it's wrong for someone to voice their ideologies just because it's different from our own? Freedom of speech, religion, press, and assembly; when did we stop believing in our own ideas? When did we let truth, justice, and the American way come to be thought of as stubborn bigotry and hatred for anything that appears to be "different"? We fought a war to stop a man who stood above others and said let’s kill all these people for being different. We fought a war to separate ourselves from a tyrannical monarch who wanted to oppress us and take away our basic human rights. And some of the key values of America seem to have become twisted. When did respect become belittling others for having a different way of life just because you don't like it? When did it become you only have to respect certain people? When did honor become turning our back on people who needed it? Where's the honor in only looking out for ourselves?

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