The Ego Theory
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The Ego Theory

Caution: walk away if this article might lead you to tweet "bitches ain't shit."

The Ego Theory

The male ego, such a fragile thing, isn't it? One might say as delicate as a flower. Maybe even as "emotional" as a woman.

We've seen it time and time again under different circumstances. Most recently, it was through the murder of Indian-American student, Ruth George, who ignored a man's catcalls. He then proceeded to follow her down, rape and then killed her. And for what? Simply because she chose not to entertain the comments of a complete stranger. Of course, this was something his ego could not handle because how could it be that a female is to ignore when a male is trying to compliment her. After all, he was just being polite, was he not?

Many women are given the automatic label of being overly sensitive. But Lauren Martin, founder of Words of Women, believes it is actually the other way around. She says, "Any woman who's ever been in a relationship knows that while women have their moments, it's the men who need the special care and attention. Because contrary to popular belief, the male ego is not just any child, it's a 14-year-old girl."

Though we all have an ego to some extent, whether it be through how we feel about our outward appearance or even creating the illusion of being known as the perfect person, the male ego is one that is more noticeable than one might think. Oddly enough, this ego doesn't present itself in one form but a series of different ones.

The 'I have high expectations out of what I want in a partner' ego. Ah, a classic one. This male might be the most dangerous of them all. He will act completely normal around you but when it comes to making small remarks about your lifestyle, he does not hesitate. After all, it is HIS future. He will always remind you of what he wants because it's just his world and you're living in it. He will constantly make comparisons and even go as far as giving you the silent treatment when he is in a mood. To put it in simpler terms: he is a man-child.

One of my favorites, the 'I don't care about anyone' ego. I think we all have encountered this one. Maybe it was the guy who responded with silence when the waiter said have a good evening. Or it was the guy you so desperately wanted to care that you would put up with his back and forth. This one masks his emotions the best. He is empty inside and God forbid anyone ever know that, so he hides it through sarcasm and a nonchalant attitude. Don't even bother with this one. It is a headache and endless wandering thoughts wrapped in one.

He claims he is 'Mufti Menk 2.0.' Don't get me wrong. I admire Mufti Menk because he is always spitting facts. Especially in his tweets, which always pop up exactly at the right time. This type of guy, well he displays religion everywhere he goes. But he most definitely does not practice what he preaches. We're all flawed in some way, shape or form. However, this kind of guy probably has the worst character out there. You pray but treat people as if they don't matter and never miss an opportunity to make a degrading comment when passing by a gay couple. Your disrespectful personality cancels out all those prayers.

The 'I'm a good guy.' First of all sir, if you have to tell people you are a good person, then just stop right there. This one is probably the most toxic of them all. He will expect to be treated with kindness because apparently he can do no wrong. That is #fakenews. He will guilt trip you to the point where you might start feeling like you're being a bit too harsh. In most cases, he is a certified bum who believes he is the life of the party. He emotionally manipulates and thinks he deserves better because the one thing he has to offer is his height.

Oh, this actually might be my favorite. The 'I shall not lift a finger because I am a male.' Look, most guys do have it hard because they have the responsibility of providing for their family. It's not an easy burden to carry. But I truly do not think men understand half of the shit women go through every single day. I could make a list but it would be never ending. Just because a woman knows how to do something, does not mean she is the only one who can do it. Stop expecting women as being the only ones to handle a household and your emotions at the same time.

All men do not fall under these categories. Some do not come under any of them. There are actual men out there who possess great qualities and unfortunately, become collateral damage due to the rest of their gender. This isn't an anti-men article or a feminist movement being made. All I'm trying to say is please, please humble yourselves if you are one of these.

Oh, and if you do decide to tweet that, my handle is @thumbaleenus :)

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