The Best Wooden Wardrobes for Your Home | The Odyssey Online
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The Best Wooden Wardrobes for Your Home

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What are the wooden wardrobes?

The word wardrobe appeared in the English language in the early 14th century. It originated from Old French words warderobe, wardereube and garderobe, in which "warder" meant "to keep, to guard" and "robe" meant "garment". Wooden wardrobes have been around for decades, where the prime material used was real hardwood. But with options widening to include softwood–like those from pine trees as well as engineered wood like MDF and HDF particle boards there's a gamut of options out there that have a more relaxed and chic look, and fit in perfectly with your home decor.

The benefits of wooden wardrobes

Look and feel: Wooden furniture can also go a long way to creating a sense of the natural world indoors. If you live in a high-density apartment block in a city, you may wish to foster a sense of nature in your living space. Wood is the perfect way to achieve this, through both its wide-ranging colour spectrum and the fascinating patterns of grains and fibres. Wood can also immediately bring warmth to otherwise sterile surroundings.

Easy Maintenance: Although completely weather-resistant, wooden wardrobes are quite easy to maintain. They can be gently wiped with a soft wet cloth to remove dust and dirt from the surfaces and abyss of the wardrobe. Also, to want the long-life of these beautiful furniture units, keep it away from the direct sunlight in the bedroom because they might degrade the finish of these pieces.

Versatility: When compared to other materials, wood is certainly versatile. No matter whether the design is modern or contemporary, wood could certainly create an impact on that. They could be easily customised and derived just according to your bespoke needs. Therefore, the wooden wardrobe has better performance in versatility than other wardrobe types such as glass wardrobes or the metal ones.

Eco Friendly: Wood is the best example of an eco-friendly wardrobe. They are 100% safe and do not have any harmful effects at all.

Strength and Durability: Wood is, of course, abiding and robust material and is the perfect choice for anyone looking for longevity from their wardrobe. Whether you opt for hardwood (oak, teak) or softwood (pine, maple, walnut), there is inherent stability and reliability to a well-made wooden wardrobe for clothes.

How to choose the best wooden wardrobes?

Choose your type of wardrobe: The first thing to keep in mind is to choose the type of wooden wardrobe you need among those wooden wardrobes for sale on the market. A solid wood single wardrobe is ideal for a small room. If you have a bit more big room use double doors, where else they are versatile. The wood wardrobe with 3 doors can suit master bedrooms and spacious guest rooms and the 4 door is ideal for a joint family or shared rooms. You can also opt for other options like sliding wooden wardrobes, built-in, hinged, walking and even a 5 door wooden wardrobe according to your needs.

Consider your storage needs: The storage requirement of each individual would be different, so before investing your money in wooden wardrobes, you should keep this in mind. If you need Hanging space for clothes, shelves for shoes, drawers for smaller clothing items, cosmetics or accessories keep that in mind. It's useful to know how many people will be using the wardrobe, and what each individual needs. Once you've decided on a wardrobe that suits your space.

Perfect Measurements: The measurement of the available space has got some importance. The width, height and length of the room could be noted while considering buying a wooden wardrobe. The furniture should exactly fit in your better rather than being too small or large.

Budget: This is the most prominent factor while buying a wooden wardrobe. If your budget allows, a bespoke furniture company like Inspired Elements will design and hand make wardrobes to suit your space and style. Even if your budget is a bit less they could help you in getting the right product you need.

Size: Always keep in mind the size of your room, don't go for huge furniture if you have a small room. You can have comparatively larger furniture if you have space for the same. Also, go as tall as possible towards the ceiling to maximise storage. This space can be invaluable for stashing spare bedding, seasonal or occasional items that don't require daily use.

The Best Wooden Wardrobes for Your Home

Look and feel: Wooden furniture can also go a long way to creating a sense of the natural world indoors. If you live in a high-density apartment block in a city, you may wish to foster a sense of nature in your living space. Wood is the perfect way to achieve this, through both its wide-ranging colour spectrum and the fascinating patterns of grains and fibres. Wood can also immediately bring warmth to otherwise sterile surroundings.

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