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Warped Tour: The Best Music Festival That Ever Was

Rest in peace Warped, you will be greatly missed

Warped Tour: The Best Music Festival That Ever Was

What is Warped Tour?

Warped tour is (now was) a music festival that about 80 different bands would play in. The bands would go from little known to well known which play under many different genres from bands ranging from Sleeping With Sirens to Ice Nine Kills. It was founded in 1995 by Kevin Lyman and ended it's tours in 2018.

Why is Warped Tour the best there ever was?

That's easy, Warped Tour has tons of reasons why it's the best music festival ever. My favorite are

The variety of bands

Okay, i *think* there are about 80 different bands, that may not be the correct number, but there are definitely a lot. The bands range from alternative to many types of metal. So it's perfect for this range of music lovers.

The meet and greets

There's tons of bands that play at Warped, and there's tons of people who sell their merchandise! There are also tons of people who buy their merch and want to meet the band, and meeting your favorite band is so easy at Warped. There are usually signing times on their tables or sometimes, they will hang out and help sell their merch and are always happy to sign it or take pictures with you. They also bring out YouTubers like Jeffree Star, Brennen Taylor, Elton Castee, and Bradlee Wannemacher who are also just as easy to meet- if you're willing to stand in line.

Cheap tickets

Tickets aren't *that* cheap but they are cheap for the amount of bands that you get to see. I went to Warped Tour about 5 times and my tickets would range from $80-$140 as the years went on. These prices are definitely cheaper than going to one really famous person's concert.

The people

Usually, the people that listen to this kind of music are really caring of others. No one will steal your things and, if you ask, people will usually move a little bit so you can see. It feels kind of like a culture of people are all together so it's usually easy to talk to other people there. No matter what you're dressed like, you'll just be accepted. We're all just here for a good time.

The opportunities

There are some band members who also give lessons on the side. Sometimes there are people walking around asking if some people are interested, if so, you get to spend about thirty minutes to an hour with your favorite drummer,while they teach you what they know. There are usually promotions going on where people give you free stuff like sunglasses, CDs, or shirts. Sometimes even meditation books. You could even promote your own stuff if you really wanted to. Plus, who knows when you'll get to see your favorite band or YouTuber again, or even meet them.

The water slide

Warped Tour happens during the summer, so everyone is hot. The Warped Tour employees would set up a water fountain with cold, purified water to fill your water bottles, soak towels, or spray at you with an inflatable water slide right next to it to help cool you down.

Multiple stages

There are usually five main stages with a various number of small stages. There are a couple of bands that play on the same stage after one another. The only things that are bad about this is if two of the bands you want to see are playing at the same time and running back and forth between all of the stages. Having multiple stages is the key for having all of your favorite bands, even though sometimes you have to choose.

Merch Galore

Almost every band sells merchandise along with YouTubers and companies. There are multiple mazes of merch tables, some of which not many people have heard of but sell good product. If you needed it, you could probably find it. There are also tents that promote things while letting you do something fun, like the tent promoting art that let you paint on yourself.

It's all ages

Anyone can go to Warped and they have some cool things for different age groups. They had the water slide that was mentioned earlier, a tent for parents to cool down in that had chairs and fans, Truth Orange was always having dance contests or playing games in front of their tent, and if you were under 18 years of age, your parent got a free ticket to go with you.

The mosh pit experience

For some people, Warped Tour is the only time they go a concert. For a lot of people, Warped is the first concert they have moshed or crowd surfed at. If you get knocked down, there is always someone who will help you up, if you get hurt, someone will usually ask if you're okay. If you get dropped while crowd surfing, someone will catch you. Sometimes you see the biggest mosh/ circle pit you've ever seen and you get to be a part of it. I think it is one of the safest places to mosh, I once saw a child about 6 years old running in a circle pit and everyone who passed her was making sure she was safe (they were also in awe).

Although Warped Tour is hot and crowded with expensive food, like any other festival, I think it ranks as the best. It's cheap to get in, you can meet your favorite people easily, get all of the merch (even exclusives), and you are around like-minded people. Warped Tour was a music festival that was as perfect as it gets. Although Warped Tour is hosting anniversary shows, it isn't like the tour. It will be missed.

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