Textbooks Or Tablets?
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Textbooks Or Tablets?

Our technological world is growing at a fast pace; our reliance on technology not lagging behind.

Textbooks Or Tablets?

Our technological world is growing at a fast pace; our reliance on technology - phones, tablets, laptops, etc.- is not lagging behind. Over the last few decades alone we have seen one of the steepest, if not the steepest, inclines in technological advances than at any other point in human history; however, the necessity of many modern technologies is put to controversy, as there are many who argue that we are too reliable on things that we do not need - this argument is especially shown in regards to the classroom.

Today, it is not uncommon to find a laptop or tablet cart or tech station in any given classroom throughout the United States as many teachers find these resources useful and more beneficial to the students, helping to provide a greater motivation to learn. Along with the ability to lessen physical classroom needs by providing more individualized testing and quizzes, homework, notes and other school files, using tablets or laptops saves the school hundreds of dollars annually, reducing general costs by an estimated 50-60% on lesson books. Not only this, but tablets also hold useful features- including text editing, reading light and interactive lessons- that aren’t able to be found in textbooks, as well as the general weight and convenience of carrying a single two-pound tablet rather than three or four textbooks tipping the scales at anywhere between two and eight pounds each, if not more.

So why is this not the perfect solution to a centuries-old struggle? One of the number-one concerns addressed in this argument is the worry of student distraction. With easy access to internet applications, students may find it hard to not find themselves playing games or sending messages instead of taking notes during a lesson. The obvious negative outcome would be that, rather than a more individualistic learning, students would spend more time doing everything but the intended schoolwork. Not only this, but easy access to internet also means easy access to finding answers to test, quiz and homework questions. With the same idea in mind, students could easily find summaries to assigned readings to shorten their time needed to spend on homework.

Obviously, parents have a lot to say when it comes to this topic. Believe it or not, one consistent argument and concern revolves around the heath of the student, focusing mainly on the physical effects that could pair with technological reliance. The first, and most prominent, being eye strain. Tablets, computers and other electronics are often associated with a health concern called “Computer Vision Syndrome.” This problem includes eye strain, headaches, blurred vision and dry eyes, according to the American Optometric Association. Though these are not permanent, they are still quite unpleasant and can easily be avoided by textbooks. However, there are health concerns than can cause permanent damage to a child’s body. These risks each fall under the category of musculoskeletal disorders, mainly affecting the muscle and bone of the neck and upper back. These illnesses include muscles strain, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, bow in the vertebrae of the neck (also known as "text neck"), shoulder pain, and fibromyalgia. Staring at a textbook for long periods of time may not be the most fun and pleasant thing, but it seems to be a little better than a lifelong, chronic disorder.

However, textbooks are not free from health-related criticism. According to a study done by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 13,700 kids, ranging from kindergarten to high school seniors, during the 2011-2012 school year were treated for injuries related to the weight and pressure on their backs and shoulders from carrying the books. This was often the result of an imbalance between the weight of a child and the weight of the books they carried to and from school on a regular basis. Most chiropractors and pediatricians do not recommend that a student carries more than 15 percent of their body weight in books on their back (or at all), however, the combined weight of one or more textbooks from several classes will more than likely exceed that percent, easily straining the student’s back and shoulders (Adams). Because of this, many see the option of a tablet, laptop or other single technology as a relief instead of a danger.

When it comes down to the final decision on whether textbooks or tablets benefit the student most, it is nothing more than a matter of individual opinion. Each classroom holds a variety of different types learners, only an individual knows what works best for themselves. The only way to get the most out of a student’s learning is by making it an individualized subject rather than going by what works for most, as we most often see in schools. There is no way to make a perfect choice between textbooks and tablets in a public school, however it is often easiest to go with whatever the teacher wants based on the topic of the class.

From simple reading comprehension tests on a single bulky computer to a cart full of tablets assigned to each individual student in the classroom, our educational “need” for new technologies has increased at an astonishing rate and continues to do so as each school year passes. The majority of students from Pre-K children to seniors in high school are embracing this new form of learning as a simpler, more modern approach as opposed to the standard sit-and-listen lecture many had grown accustomed to. The balance of benefits and inconvenience in this new classroom technology differs in each individual student depending on their own educational needs. Some may benefit while others struggle, so it is important to find a balance between the two in a learning environment rather than having just one or the other.

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