The 10 Best Things About Christmas Time
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The 10 Best Things About Christmas Time

In the spirit of Finals week and the holidays approaching.

The 10 Best Things About Christmas Time

Having to focus on finals and the semester ending is the perfect time to daydream about everything having to do with Christmas time, (a.k.a: procrastination at its finest). Once that last final has been turned in, freedom for a month has arrived!

1. Christmas Lights

The soft lighting of the lights on the Christmas tree, hung around the house, and on trees outside, add a feeling of joy on a cold winter day. I do not know exactly what it is, but the lights hung up around Christmas time is one of the things I look forward to the most! Especially in my hometown, lights are put up all around the city and look stunning on the snow covered branches of the trees lining the streets. It warms the heart during the coldest time of the year.

2. Christmas Music

Once Thanksgiving day is over, “helllloooooo Christmas music!”. Some people cannot wait even that long, but at least it’s considerate for those who role their eyes at it. Even if you can’t sing well it doesn’t matter, the most wonderful time of the year is here! And it’s 100% acceptable to be tone deaf and still jam out to Mariah Carrey.

3. The Christmas Tree

Let be honest, half the battle is trying to decide what tree to get and then the other half is figuring out how to get it into the tree without losing half the needles. Even of you have a fake tree, the best part is decorating it and having it lit up at night.

4. Snow

The first snowfall invokes a universal pause, at least it did in my townhouse. The snow fell for a couple hours and was enough for a good twenty minute snowball fight with friends. Walking in it or even sitting inside looking out the window, the snow falling is one of the prettiest sights. The crunch of snow under your feet, or the snowflakes stuck on your eyelashes, and sledding or ice skating, it is a wonderful time of year.

5. Fireplace

In my townhouse the closest I get to a fireplace is the fire burning YouTube video on repeat. However when I go home I get the real deal! The crackling of the fire and it’s warmth is the perfect thing to welcome you in from the cold. Standing by it to thaw after being outside, or to take a nap in front of, a burning fireplace is one of the best feelings.

6. Christmas Movies

My whole life my Mom has had this Christmas Eve rule that we are only allowed to watch Christmas movies. This is a challenge gladly accepted. Especially my family’s all time favorite, White Christmas. With Christmas break near it is time to break out the movies and get into the Christmas spirit.

7. Christmas Cookies & Cocoa

Every year it never fails that my Mom will make at least seven types of cookies, to meet every person’s preferred taste. Especially her dark chocolate truffles, the best and absolute “must” make. Fresh baked homemade cookies with hot cocoa is a perfect snack, especially with three or ten mini marshmallows on top.

8. Family Time

Time home is at the top of my Christmas list right now. It has been a long semester away, and being away always makes me more thankful for the family iv’e been blessed with. Spending time with my family is my favorite thing to do while home, just doing life with them. Especially around the holidays, I want to spend it with the ones I love most.

9. Presents

Let’s be honest, receiving it always fun! However what I anticipate most regarding gifts is the the giving. I love wrapping the presents I have bought for loved ones, making it all perfectly pretty. When I give someone a gift I want them to feel loved in that it was something they truly needed or something they have wanted but are shocked someone knew. The reason for gifts reflects the best gift of all, a chance for redemption found in Jesus.

10. The Reason for the Season

The reason for Christmas, the purpose behind giving gifts, is in the birth of Jesus Christ. A baby who would come to be the only way for redemption and salvation from all the sin and pain in this world. I can be 100% excited about gifts and never disappointed because I know why we give them. Christmas is not about getting everything that you every wanted. My house during this season we can remember the reason for all the joy this season.

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