6 Great Perks Of Being Single
Ignore all of your relatives and your coupled friends; you're living your best life for you right now.
Yes, having a significant other is great and all. However, the single perks are absolutely worth some of those "in your feels" moments. I am not a bitter single person, in fact, I quite enjoy it. This is meant to be humorous. Enjoy!
1. You don't have to share.
Covers, food, money, time, gas, you name it. It is singularly yours. And it is a great concept of life.
2. Holidays are cheaper.
Just think about it. Less gift buying. Being giving is great, but saving those extra dollars here and there will make up for the fact that other people have cute Instagram posts.
3. More time for self care.
This is not to say that while in a relationship you have no time to care for yourself. It's just that when not in a relationship, you have more time to do and might get better at it so that you are capable of maintaining as life goes on.
4. All food/activity decisions are made by you.
No need for this age-old argument/ discussion. If you want something, you don't have to ask your significant other for their opinion. You can just go for it!
5. You don't feel any sense of guilt when going out.
GIRLS NIGHT OUT (or boys) EVERY NIGHT! Too many times have I had friends who can't go out because of their significant other. Again, when in a relationship you can still hang out with friends. BUT when you're single, you have absolutely no guilt in going out and having fun without your SO.
6. Singular schedule.
Your plans are based on you and you alone! No need to worry about working around someone else's schedule. It is all on you and you get to make the decisions for how your time is spent.