Stop Making Excuses For Him And Move On With Your Life
Seriously, it's time.
"Let's see what happens next semester." We all know what that really means: "this was great when it was convenient for me but now it's not and I don't want to be that guy so let's just see what happens next semester even though I definitely won't make any effort to get to know you or hang out at all." It's his way of letting you down real easy, so easy that you might not even know you've been let down until months later when you look back and think "hey, wait a minute." Let's get one thing straight, very very rarely do these guys ever say this with actual intentions to see what happens later. It's a cop-out from admitting the truth — which is that they're not ready for a relationship (whatever that may mean) but also don't want to entirely cross out the possibility of you two hooking up again (which you shouldn't do).
I've gotten it before. Ask your friends, they've gotten this line before too. What happens is you spend a month or so sad because, damn, you really like this guy and he likes me too. Then you decide you're happy being his friend and you ~never~ know, he did want to get to know each other before jumping into a full-fledged relationship — and that kind of makes sense to you too! And then you start to wonder why then, if he wants to get to know you and see what happens, do your conversations lack substance? Why does he answer every semi-flirty snapchat with a half-assed picture of his face and a quick conversation change? Why does he always seem to fidget when you suggest talking on the phone or video chat (God forbid!). Why does he all of the sudden forget how to talk to you like a friend? Why does he leave you on open for hours on end and then answer with a blurry, zoomed-in picture of … Bob Marley, I think? Well, the answer really is simple.
He doesn't want to see what happens. He doesn't want to get to know you and build a "solid friendship." He just didn't want to be the bad guy.
I know, that sucks to hear. Believe me, it never really gets easier. But don't you deserve someone who genuinely wants to hear about your day? Who is happy to jump on a 15-minute phone call with you? Who actually wants to be in a relationship with you? Yeah, you do. Don't let the boy behind his phone sitting halfway across the country keep you on the string any longer than he already has. Go get yourself some Ben & Jerry's, round up the squad and remember that you are worth more than a half-assed snapchat once a day.