The Ultimate Summer Workouts
Workouts that will get you the ultimate summer body.
Have you been searching for the perfect summer body? Well, look no further with this ultimate workout to help you get into shape. Summer is just right around the corner, so don't wait anymore and start today. It is very important to not adapt to crash dieting and extreme workouts. Get into shape this summer in a healthy way.
If you are serious about losing weight, make sure to clean up your diet and take the time to recover. It's not healthy to only focus on burning calories and working out for hours and hours. Start adapting to a more quality workout along with unprocessed food into your diet. Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day and get enough sleep for the night!
Workout 1
At home
20 sit-ups
20 Russian twists
20-sec plank
5 back extensions
20 scissors
At the gym
Warmup: run 1 mile
Arms workout: 3 sets of each workout/60 sec duration/15 lbs dumbbell
Bent over rows
Triceps overhead press
Triceps Dips
Dumbbell biceps curl to shoulder press
Leg workout: 3 sets of each workout/10 reps/ 15 lbs dumbbell
Calf Raises
Wall Sits
Butt workout: 3 sets of each workout/10 reps/ 15 lbs dumbbell
Workout 2
5 sets/30 sec: Jump Rope
3 sets/15 reps: Leg Press
3 sets/10 reps/30-40 sec rest: Dumbbell Shoulder Press
3 sets/8 reps: Dumbbell Sumo Squats
3 sets/12 reps: Machine Leg Curl
3 sets/15 reps/30-40 sec rest: Dumbbell Front Raise
3 sets/6 reps: Dumbbell Step-Ups (Each Leg)
3 sets/10 reps: Dumbbell Upright Row
3 sets/25 reps: Stability Ball Crunch
30-sec plank
3 sets/20 reps: Crunches
Workout 3
At home
10 Push-ups
10 Squats
10 Sit-ups
At the gym
Warmup: Run a mile
3 sets/ 30 sec Jump Rope
Arms workout: 3 sets/15 reps
Arm circles
Triceps Cable Down
Leg workout:
Jump squats
Leg Raises
40 reps Dumbbell Chest Ups
3 sets/15 reps Triceps Overhead Press
Workout 4
4 sets/5 reps/ 60 sec rest
Bench Press
Bulgarian Split Squat
Cable Rows
30 sec of each workout/15 sec rest
Mountain Climbers
3 sets/10 reps
Leg Press
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Sumo Squats
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
Workout 5
At home
20 butt bridges
20-sec right side plank
20-sec left side plank
20 vertical leg crunches
At the gym
Warmup: Run a mile
3 sets/ 10 reps/15 lbs Dumbbells
Back rows
Front extensions
2 sets/10 reps/15 lbs Dumbbells
25 squats
10 lunges
15 step ups
20 plank back kicks
20 leg raises
20 split squats