I Asked 55 Students What The Best Part Of Their Morning Routine Is — These Were The Funniest Answers
I asked over 50 high school and college students what their favorite part of their morning routine is, here's the verdict.
27 October 2020
Although there was a wide variety of answers, I was able to place everyone into eight different categories. All but about six answers were said more than once!
- First, we have a slightly less popular opinion: "Brushing My Teeth". Three of the 55 students said that their favorite part of their morning routine is brushing their teeth! Francesca, 19, went so far as to call it "an obsession". The other two students were males in college.
- Another slightly more popular opinion: "Showering". Four students really love to shower in the morning! Jake, 19, points out that the shower must be hot. All four students are in college, I guess the high schoolers have a bit less time to enjoy a hot shower!
- A personal favorite of mine was mentioned by six students: "Jamming" (or something along those lines). Six college and high school-aged girls love listening to music while they're getting ready. Abbie, 19, likes to listen to music while making her bed. I suppose it makes little chores that much sweeter!
- Now maybe not my favorite part of my routine, but definitely my favorite common answer: "Snoozing my alarm and going back to sleep." I guess you could say being a student is pretty exhausting because six kids absolutely love hitting that snooze button! I am also guilty of this, every minute counts! Jessica, 20, says that she snoozes her alarm because "I don't want to be up that early". Both college and high school students agreed on this one!
- Now it's no secret students love food (even if we do forget to eat sometimes), which is probably why seven students said this: "Breakfast!". Sydney, 19, loves breakfast because "I take that time to lay out my day and it calms me and makes me happy". Oddly enough, only female college students said breakfast. They say it's the most important meal of the day...I wonder how awesome these girls' grades are!
- The next nine students all had very different answers, but I classified them all the same: Self-Care. These students love waking up to the sunshine and their dogs, spending time with Jesus, yoga, taking vitamins, washing their faces, and more.
- The most frequent answer, as may have been expected considering the interviewed population: "Coffee". Fourteen college students, twelve being female, love waking up to their coffee. These students tend to prefer their coffee to be hot and consumed while the sun is shining (although if you've been in Oxford lately, you know that's been hard to come by). Marie, 20, said, "coffee in one hand, book in another, just vibing".
- Natalie, 19, says her favorite part of her morning is "putting on Vaseline". Honestly, I completely agree with this one, we love petroleum jelly.
- Howard, 19, said "farting rainbow and sunshine".
- Ben, 18, said, "Waking up and aimlessly watching Instagram reels until I have class". At least he stops when class starts. I am pretty certain most kids can't say that!
The morning looks different for everyone, and it is what you make of it. I like to think that it's mostly up to us as to whether or not our morning will be miserable or pleasant, so what makes you happy when you're getting ready?