Getting Organized Absolutely Changed My Life For The Better
Organization and how it reduced my stress and helped me enjoy life more.
Life can be really overwhelming sometimes. Balancing school, sports, friends, work, and more can be extremely difficult to do. Just the thought of doing something simple such as homework can appear daunting.
I know what living a busy life can be like, I once was in that exact position. Trying to balance school assignments with skating practice was becoming too much and the pressure to get it all done increased by the day. That is when it hit me, I was the least organized person on the planet. Forgetting important dates and accidentally missing practices was not doing me any favors.
Though the journey to getting organized can seem as difficult as climbing Mt. Everest, it is worth it in the end. The view from the top is amazing.
I started my organization transformation by getting a planner. From that day on I recorded every due date or important event in my planner, color-coded, might I add. I promised myself I would never miss another important due date. This already took a lot of pressure off of me because I didn't need to keep all that information stored in my head.
The next step was tackling old papers that I didn't need anymore and let me tell you, there were a lot. After sifting and sorting through dusty binders I had at least a pound of papers to toss in the recycling. Now it may seem stupid that throwing out old papers would have an effect on someone's life, but discarding unneeded things really helped to clear space for the things I did need and allowed me to cut ties with the past.
The organization didn't just stop with paper, I transformed my life digitally as well. I went through old PDFs, documents, pictures and more. I deleted anything that wasn't needed. I felt like I was no longer drowning in the past and that I had a clearer vision of what was most important to me.
Getting organized has really allowed me to look at my life in a different way. I feel like I better understand what's important and what things I can let go of. I don't hold onto the past anymore and I'm more excited for the future.
Every morning I wake up and I know exactly what needs to be done to conquer the day. There is nothing quite like knowing exactly what you want in life and feeling like you have the power to attain that. Getting organized has made me feel less stressed and more prepared for whatever life throws my way.