Dear Georgia Weather, Stop Changing So Much!
It is not a hard decision... just choose winter or summer
By: Oneeka Kohli & Meghana Vadranam
Dear Georgia Weather,
You are like an annoying child. Sometimes you are great and then two seconds later you will decide that you do not want to be great. I just need one thing from you Georgia weather, stop fluctuating so much. You cannot be sixty degrees for a week with the sun out and everything. Then, the next week spine- chilling cold. Then you have those days where you are crazy cold in the morning, but by the afternoon you are warm. All you have to do is make a decision.
Along with the decision of making it cold or warm, you have to decide when to stop taunting us about the greatness in either. If you decide to make it cold then you must stop taunting us with the rain and thirty degrees combination. Often, you say that it will rain and that it will be thirty degrees, but then it does not rain. It is either then or you make it rain, but then you make the temperature like thirty- two degrees. These scenarios are frustrating because you give false hope, and false hope is not cool.
On the other hand, if you feel like it should be warm and sunny and everything, maybe you should try, oh I do not know, not making it windy in the morning. You doing this causes parents to think that it is cold and make the child wear like three layers of clothing, which they then have to lug around at school for the whole day.
Other than the summer or winter topic there is one more thing I would like to ask you. Why so much rain? Rain is great and all, I have nothing against it, but why is it raining in Georgia like every other day? It causes people to be in gloomy moods and it creates humidity. HUMIDITY! As a curly haired person and a friend to many other types of hair people, I can honestly say that no one, I mean no one, likes humidity. It causes it to be hot and congested in classrooms and all icky outside. Not to mention it causes you as a person to feel icky. Humidity is not a friend it is an enemy to all of mankind.
Of course, the decision is yours in the end. However, I would like to see less humidity if possible and more consistent weather patterns. I would like the consistent weather patterns so that when I am choosing my clothes I at least know if I need to wear three layers of clothes or if a simple jacket will suffice. Knowing this information creates an even better start to the day.
Thank you for your time,
Oneeka Kohli