Signs You Picked The Right Career For You
Ways to know that you have taken the right path for your future.
Figuring out your future as a young adult is bad enough, but picking your lifetime job and career can be terrifying.
Some people come by it naturally or through their family. Some people have absolutely no guidance or influence at all when it comes to a career. Whether you are attending a 4-year college, attending a trade school, or jumping right into the workforce, there are many ways to know that you are going down the right path.
You actually enjoy attending classes
Now, I know for many that math class can be boring, but that is not my point.
If you look forward to any sort of training or class regarding your career, then you probably have a true passion for that field. This is much more than just liking the teacher, or enjoying the class because you don't have to do anything.
Classes or training that allows growth and presents challenges but also brings joy and excitement are some of the most impactful courses you can be a part of.
Even if the class is not a direct necessity for your career, but it could bring a new perspective or aspect to your resume which could help you in the long run.
You spend time looking into the career for fun
Research doesn't sound fun but doing it on your own without any requirements or guidelines can be really beneficial. Simply looking into the benefits or even opportunities with your career can help you to further understand and deepen your passion for whatever you plan on pursuing.
You talk about it a lot
When you can bring up your career in any conversation then you probably really like your career.
Talking about what you are passionate about is definitely not a bad thing. If your families or friends tell you to stop talking about it, then you must really really like that job.
The best thing you can do if your friends are tired of hearing the same things over and over again, find people that share your passion.
People that don't know anything about your career may not understand everything you are talking about, but once you find someone that shares the same career interests as you, conversations will flourish and go nuts.
Once you are away from it, all you want is to go back
When your passion is so pure, it is hard to take any time away from it. If you ever go after another job or for some reason take a break from your career, it can constantly make you think and reminisce your original plan. In some cases, it may get to the point to where you actually do go back and are better than ever.
12 bad Habits All Girls Need to let go of
You'll be a much happier person if you do.
When I was little, my mother always told me that "beauty is pain."
Does it really have to be?
When I was a teenager, all my friends started dieting. Are 12 year olds really supposed to be going on juice cleanses?
Now that I'm nearing adulthood, I see that so many beauty habits that girls worship get worse and worse. And our self esteem? It plummets.
It's time to reconsider our actions towards ourselves, our image and our body.It's time to feel beautiful without feeling inadequate on the journey to get there.
Here are 12 things all girls need to quit doing, like yesterday:
1. Sucking in your stomach for photos.
I know. I know. It works like a charm. But it subconsciously makes you feel like you're too fat to look good in a photo. You are allowing yourself to think that without doing so, you can never look good. NOT TRUE! <3
2. Dieting vigorously before major events.
So unhealthy! Weight should be lost overtime, not shed in the span of a week thanks to starvation. Find a dress and outfit you feel beautiful in regardless if you allow yourself to eat dinner or not (which you definitely should!)
3. Checking the mirror for flaws
Admit it. The first thing you do when you look in the mirror is criticize yourself. Stahpp!! Look at that face! It's BEAUTIFUL and deserves nothing but your love.
4. Judging other girls before even getting to know them.
We girls have to stick together, but for some reason, we like to envy each other, gossip about each other, judge each other or just wish that the other girl wasn't "prettier" than you or "smarter" than you. As females, we are already fighting the battle to be equals and empowered by society. So empower the girls in your life! Don't look at another girl and think of the five different ways she should have worn her make up or call her slutty for wearing what she feels good in.
5. Obsessing over your outfit and changing it five times and over again.
We need to stop obsessing with looking like a model every chance we get. The point of going out is to have fun with your friends and enjoy a good night! When we scream and thrash around that there's nothing to wear, there's now nothing to really look forward to because you'll be in a rush, upset, and at that point, you don't think anything looks good on you. Which isn't true!
6. Letting guys define your worth.
So many girls I meet base their worth off how many guys they've had or what their boyfriend thinks or how a date goes. Don't ever do this because the true self-worth comes in loving, respecting, and cherishing who you are... and the fact that no one out there can ever take that power away from you.
7. Buying more product than you need.
Count your lip glosses. Does your nail polish go bad before you even got to use more than half the bottle? Did you buy a $90 contour brush when you have plenty others? Maybe rethink how much your spending on makeup.
8. Thinking you don't look good without makeup.
If anything, makeup is there if you want to have fun and touch yourself up. But don't begin to believe the lie that you need it to be beautiful. It's simply industry marketing wanting you to feel this way. Don't let them win.
9. Saying you can keep a secret when you can't.
Many of us share and spill our inner thoughts but always ask the person we're telling, "You won't tell anyone? Promise?"
We all say yes we promise and then are quick to break it. For your own morality and for the respect of the person you're talking to, stop lying!
10. Asking for "likes."
Okay, so I had to put this one in here. What's the point of asking for likes? Defeats their purpose and only makes you look desperate.
11. Being someone you're not to fit in.
A lot of girls get hate for being fake. And although guys can be just as fake, a lot of girls just care about their image. But being yourself should be the only image you're after...because authenticity and sincerity will have people liking you for you; you won't constantly feel like you're suffocating in a mask if you just be the you that you were born to be.
12. Pretending you're OK when you're not, because everyone else seems OK.
At the end of the day, life can suck sometimes. Scroll through any person's Insta, and it seems that "life's a beach" or that the only problem is when we're missing someone just "a little extra" today. It's not true. So break this habit because you're not alone. Ask for help. It takes strength and character to do that. Be human. Be real.