I'm No Longer Supporting Michael Jackson After Viewing Documentary
The four hours of documentary material flew by with wild intensity.
Leaving Neverland gave Wade Robson and James Safechuck the opportunity to share their whole story about their sexual abuse experiences with Michael Jackson. Before forming an opinion on the matter of their statements, please watch the documentary and listen to these two men. Yes, I do believe their stories, I do believe all those things happened to them. Abuse is real and based on their testimonies, it happened to them too. What took them so long to come out about their stories is that they had to come to terms about what had occurred at Neverland. Their realizations came from each of them being a father. To think that someone could hurt or touch their child in that manner, it disgusted them. These two men realized just how wrong Michael was to do that to them.
Yes, I understand, it is messed up that as these boy's parents, they allowed Wade and James to spend the night over at Neverland. Even though the mother's of the two boys were included in the documentary, I still don't understand why they thought it was okay. I understand that some people place some of the blame of the molestation on the mothers of Wade and James. Even though their actions influenced the situation, the blame lands on Michael Jackson, luring in these boys, saying, "this is how we show our love."
Some people who know about the documentary have told me they will continue to listen to Michael Jackon's music. Their reasons are, "he's dead, he isn't getting the royalties" or "who cares, he's dead." They are right, he is dead, and now the royalties are going to his estate.
Do not forget what some people say when someone passes away... "They may be gone, but their legacy lives on." Michael Jackson's LEGACY is still living on. I will no longer be supporting or listening to his music. When I return home, I hope to eradicate his image from my room, any CD's, movies, or magazines. I will not let his legacy live on where I live. It is your choice to let the legacy continue in your life.